
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Style is an essential element in literary works, for it represents the author’s idea and personality. Especially in English prose, style is highlighted as a key factor in distinguishing authors from one another. Hence, it is crucial to reproduce the style of the original text in translation. The necessity of style conveyance is also stressed in Tytler’s three principles of translation. He ranked it the second important rule of making a good translation, right after faithfulness of idea but before resemblance to the force and effect.

The Essays is a representative of English prose written by Francis Bacon, whose works feature archaism, brevity, forcefulness and a beauty of rhythm. There are varied Chinese versions of the Essays. The most well known ones not only transfer the meaning clearly but also convey the style effectively.

Under the guidance of Tytler’s three principles of translation, this thesis will explore the techniques or strategies applied in Chinese translations of the Essays from the perspective of style conveyance. A comparative study of three selected Chinese translations is carried out with the help of Mr. Liu Miqing’s style recognition system. The translators are respectively Wang Zuoliang, Shui Tiantong and Cao Minglun. A detailed analysis will be given through use of words, arrangement of sentences, figures of speech and the overall tones, with supporting examples taken from four essays (“Of Truth”, “Of Great Place”, “Of Beauty” and “Of Study”).

Key words: style conveyance in translation, Essays, translation strategy, Francis Bacon

摘        要

在文学著作中,风格占有重要的地位。因为它是作者的创作思想与性格特点的集中体现。英语散文就是一种格外注重风格的文学体裁,其谋篇布局与行文措辞都是作者风格的体现,一旦缺失就会使文章失去独特性。因此,在翻译散文著作时,译文对原作风格的再现不可或缺。泰特勒也在其著名的翻译三准则中强调了风格翻译的重要性。他指出一部优秀的翻译著作要在忠实地表达原作思想内容的基础上对其风格进行有效地传达,最后力求达到与原作相同的效果和作用力。 可见,风格传达在散文翻译中至关重要。



关键词: 风格传译英语论文范文,培根论说文,翻译策略,弗朗西斯培根
