提要: 在英语听力方面,听力策略是作用学生理解过程的重要因素之一。本文对174 名复旦大学非英语系 学生和相关的35 名英语教师进行了听力策略实证性探讨。目的是为了了解教师和学生在教授和使用听力策 略方面的具体情况,比较师生在听力策略方面有何异同,以便为教师和学生提供一些有关听力教学和听力学 习的建设性建议。
Abstract : Listening strategy is one of the most important factors which affect the process of listening comprehen2 sion. This paper has made an empirical study on the listening strategies used by 174 non2English majors and 35 col2 lege English teachers. It aims at finding out how students and teachers use and teach listening strategies , making comparison and contrast between teachers and students in using listening strategies , and recommending some con2 structive suggestions related to listening activities. 本论文由英语论文网提供整理,提供论文/,英语论文/,/论文,/英语论文,/留学生论文,/英文论文,英语论文,留学生论文/相关核心关键词搜索。 ,英语论文范文 |