
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the present study
English is one of the most widely used language in the world. According to the British council, aboutthree billion people are learning English, use it as a vehicle for communication. In Asia, the number ofpeople can speak English more than 350 million people, it is equal to the total population in the UnitedStates, Canada and Britain.. In addition, some Asian region (e.g., Japan, Taiwan, China and South Korea),English education is an important subject in elementary and high school education policy (zhou, 2017).InSouth Korea, Japan and China Taiwan, for example, has been teaching English as a required course inelementary school about a decade (hashimoto, 2017; Mikio, 2017; xu, 2017).Some children in the mainareas in Taiwan, China and even in the kindergarten began to learn English (xu, 2017).In 2017, the Koreanpeople spent $2017 on English education.English is also one of the most popular foreign language, Koreanstudents studying outside of school (Mikio, 2017).English is also the most popular foreign language thatKorean students learned outside of school (Mikio, 2017). There is no doubt that English has become aglobal language (Graddol, 1997), and English teaching and learning becomes an important issue in Asia.With the vogue of Rowling’s Harry Potter series (1998~2017), children’s literature has beencatapulted into the mainstream market to compete with adult books for spots on the bestseller lists (Epstein,2017). To write a book for children has written in the 18th century England. However, in the 18th and 19th,the beginning of the 20th century, even the children a few books published. Fortunately, in the 1950 sfederal money to buy books in the school in the United States has become available, so the era of children'sliterature (martinez & McGee, 2017).In the 1950 s and 1960 s and 1970 s, most school teachers literacyteaching instead of literature teaching in the United States. 

1.2 Significance of the present study
The study is significance in the following areas. First, the researchers collected evidence ofchildren's literature as a proper reading materials is appropriate and necessary strategy in Chinese middlestudents' reading comprehension.Therefore, the results of this study can reveal students improve theirreading comprehension of children's literature.Second, the study of children's literature tend to focus on theinfluence of children's literature reading, respectively.That is to say, children's literature is often used toteach children, and reading children's literature is often as a kind of enhanced personal reactions.Fewstudies have tried to focus on the use of the influence of children's literature to improve middle schoolstudents' English reading comprehension.Whether can use children's literature, therefore, at the same time,promote the students' reading comprehension in China is of great significance in the study.Finally, throughcontinuous observation and in-depth interviews, to promote the students' reading comprehension bychildren's literature can be explored.This understanding can help students and teachers to explore bettermaterials and strategies for middle school students' English reading comprehension.In addition, some of theapplication research of children's literature teaching reading has been used to it.This study, therefore, in thehope that it can provide some effective guidance for t,英语论文英语毕业论文
