
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter one: Literature Review

1.1 Research on teaching of English reading abroad
Before 1960, among the foreign researches on reading teaching, the vocabulary masteringmovement launched in America is one of the most powerful.Since 1960, with the rapid development of cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics,researches on English reading teaching have developed to a new level. Among them areGoodman’s phycholinguistic model of reading(1967),Rumelhart’s(1997)an interactive modelof reading,英语毕业论文,Stanovich’s(1980) an interactive-compensatory model of individual differences,and Carrell & Eisterhold’s(1983)schema theory.Among them, there are two major views on reading: A communicative view on reading has the following four major features: language isbasically a system for expression of meaning; the primary function of language is for interactionand communication; the structure of language reflects its functional and communicative uses; theprimary elements of language are not just its grammatical and structural features. Chomsky’s theory changed the views on reading from learning exact language approach toencouraging students’ mental construction of the language. It is believed that reading is acreative process and teachers should use all kinds of strategies to help students increase theirreading competence.Then, with an overall view of the research in this field, we can find out that the theory ofEnglish reading has evolved in the following three stages: bottom-up model (the traditionalmodel), top-down model (the phycholinguistic model), and the interactive Model.

1.2 Research on teaching of English reading in China
In recent years, the domestic research on the English reading teaching focused on thefollowing aspects: the research that combines the theory of reading models and English reading teaching.For example, Li Hong(2017) put forward that we should pay attention to the cultivationof the students’ autonomous learning abilities and develop the students’ reading abilitiesbased on the discourse. The research on the English reading teaching from the aspect of the discourse. Forexample, Li Sen (2017) proposed that genre-based teaching approach is an effective wayto improve college English reading teaching and enhance the students’ reading abilities. The application of pragmatics to English reading teaching research. For example, WangShaohua (2017) presents that the dynamic process of metaphor cognition in discoursecomprehension is very important for English reading teaching. With the development of multimedia technology, the research of the application ofmultimedia network to the reading teaching is getting more and more. For example,Zhang Hua (2017) supposed that strengthen the students’ information ability as well astheir reading ability so as to enhance their ability of self-learning.

Chapter two: Theoretic Framework

2.1 The theories of Constructivism
Constructivism is a theory that became very popular in the Euro-American countries in thelate 1980s, and it has a great influence on almost every subject in every field, especially uponeducation. Glasersfeld, the “father” of constructivism, refers to constructivism as “a theory ofknowledge with roots in philosophy, psychology, and cybernetics.” It has two main principles: (1)knowledge is not passively received but actively builds up by the cognizing s,英语毕业论文
