Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Since 1970', researchers and theories in second language acquisition and second languageteaching have shifted their attention from methods of teaching to investigating the processes oflearning (Oxford, 1990). Researches on foreign language learning strategies have been continuingfor 40 years. Great interest of English studies in reading strategies has been shown in the last twodecades in China,英语论文题目,which has demonstrated the effects on improving student's English learningresult in a large scale. Many students feel it is hard to improve reading technique through routinetests and reading, although they already have spent a lot of time on it. One way to find the result toreading failure is to study techniques of good readers. So some researchers have recognized theimportance of strategies ESL students used in reading.Reading strategies are one of micro-propositions of English learning strategies, which refer to"the behavioral process taken by the learner in order to overcome some difficulties duringreading"(Johnson, 1998). Reading strategies include strategies such as making lexical inferences,scanning and skimming etc. Selective subject taken by reader for certain goals and they can begained via training is also one of them.Reading strategies training mainly aim to make effective use of reading techniques to copewith reading comprehension under the instruction of teacher. In the reading activities, it plays anessential role in English reading. Besides, it is important to find the most proper way of Englishreading and strengthen the ability of independent English learning.Researches on English learning strategies mostly focus on vocabulary acquisition and listening,but relatively rare in reading strategies or reading strategy training. The research on the feasibilityand efficiency of English reading strategies is limited. So more and more empirical studies andsystematic training strategies need going further.
1.2 Significance of the Study
Therefore, how to improve reading ability by using some effective learning strategies is animportant problem that worth studying. How do we make sense of reading comprehension? What is involved in reading? How is it that we are able to read? What strategies can effective for readersto improve reading ability? These are the questions that many researchers often ask. Therefore,how to improve reading ability by using some effective learning strategies is an important problemthat worth studying. Reading comprehension is the most important part in language learning. Grasping thetechniques of reading is the basic capability for students. The paper aims to research the effect ofthe schema theory on English reading teaching. It will be testified to what extent and how teachersshould activate the enthusiasm of students through the teaching activities such as to teach studentshow to activate prior knowledge, cultivate vocabulary, increase reading rate, verify readingstrategies, etc. To research this can provide some help to second language teaching andacquisition.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Schema Theory
Schema is the core concept of schema theory, an abstract information structure, whichoriginated from the Gestalt Psychology. The concept of "schema" was first used in 1781 by theGerman philosopher Immanuel K,英语毕业论文