
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of this study
It is essentially concerned withmeaning, especially with the transfer of meaning from mind to mind and the transfer of amessage from writers to readers. Reading has been seen as the decoding of printed wordsas well as an interactive communication between readers and writers. In languagelearning, reading skills interact with other skills and foster the development of otherlanguage skills, such as listening, speaking, and writing. In China, a new EnglishCurriculum Standard (trial edition) has been is sued for senior middle schools. It laysgreat emphasis on the importance of fostering students' reading ability. Besides, with thecontinuous reform of NMET, higher and higher demands are placed on students' readingability. Reading ability is a major channel for students to be exposed to the targetlanguage, and to understand the cultures of English-speaking countries. It is also one ofthe standards that measure the students' English proficiency.English course syllabus for normal full-time high school education claims,"Listening, speaking, reading and writing should be trained synthetically in high schoolEnglish teaching. Teachers should pay particular attention to students' reading abilitywhile trying to improve their four skills. Reading is a way to comprehend and absorbliteral information ……”

1.2 Significance of the study
Reading is a very valuable ability. In the education of foreign language, theimportance of reading is always being stressed. It is not only one of the importantlanguage abilities that students need to grasp and it is also one of the main ways oflanguage input. Since the students in our country lacks the social environment oflanguage study naturally, language input relies on classroom teaching and the outsidereading of student more. Therefore attention to reading has always been paid. Althoughwe put plenty of time and energy in it, little effect has been gained. Many students canread in English, but they can not read fast and smoothly. After they read an article, theyfail to summarize central thought well. When they meet a new word, they can not guessthe meaning of a word according to the skill such as context. It is difficult for them tounderstand the intention and the viewpoint of author. Meanwhile a part of student lacksability and the consciousness of autonomous study. They have no clear reading goals andplans. The reasons of this kind of phenomenon are various. That the teachers overlooksthe teaching of reading strategy and the students have not grasped correct readingstrategy are the major reasons. Though, some teachers have known that effective learningstrategy can help students to raise their reading understanding ability, they haven’tprovided their students with theoretical guidance.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 The concept of learning strategies and classification
The definition of learning strategies has been a disputed point. Different expertshave different ideas. Research on language learning strategies began in the 1960s,since when a considerable amount of descriptive work has been carried out in thisarea, much of this has clearly been influenced by developments is cognitivepsychology. Good surveys of this field are provided by Wenden and Rubin(1987),O’Malley and Chamot1990), and Oxford1990), etc.Stem(1983),,英语论文网站英语毕业论文
