
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background and Significance of the Research
Since the appearance of attribution theory in 1970s (Weiner, 1979, 1986), many empirical studies have been carried out by some researchers abroad within its framework on learners’ achievement attributions after academic success or failure and the influences on learning (Williams & Burden,1999; Tse, 2017; Graham, 2017). The following perspectives of achievement attributions have been studied by other researchers (Platt, 1988; Park & Kim, 1998; Georgiou,1999): future success expectancy, self-esteem, self-efficacy, etc. For attribution measurement, these studies can be divided into three types: 1) certain settings of academic success or failure are hypothesized by the researchers and the factors for the success or failure areself-reported by the subjects. Then the researchers ask the respondents to tell the attribution tendencies of their academic success or failure. Most studies (Struthers,Mence, Schonwetter & Perry, 1996; Wagner, Spratt, Gal & Paris, 1989) in this category used Causal Dimension Scale (CDS) or Causal Dimension Scale II (CDSII)(McAuley, Duncan & Rusell, 1992;Russell,1982). 2) The commonly recognized factors for academic success or failure were listed by the researchers and the subjects were asked to select and identify the causes which are in accord with the factuality of their academic success or failure (O’ Sullivan & Howe,1996). 3) The following research methods were employed: autobiography approaches, diary-writing or interview. (Williams & Burden, 1999).

外观归因理论在20世纪70年代(韦纳,1979年,1986年)以来,已进行了许多实证探讨,国外一些探讨者在其框架内对学习者的成就归因学术上的成功或失败后,对学习的作用(威廉姆斯和负担, 1999年,英语论文题目,谢,2017年格雷厄姆,2017年)。成就归因的角度进行了探讨,其他探讨人员(普拉特,1988年公园及金,1998年乔治乌,1999年):预期未来的成功,自尊,自我效能等关于归属地测量,这些探讨可以学术上的成功或失败的某些设置分为三种类型:1)假设的成功或失败areself报告主体的探讨人员和因素。然后,探讨人员要求受访者告诉他们学业成功或失败的归因倾向。大多数探讨(。,MENCE Schonwetter佩里,1996年斯特拉瑟斯瓦格纳,斯普拉特,半乳糖和巴黎,1989年)在此类别使用的因果尺寸量表(CDS)或因果联系维的规模II(CDSII)(麦考利,邓肯,1992鲁塞利的;罗素,1982)。 2)公认的学术上的成功或失败的因素列出的探讨者和受试者被要求来选择和确定的原因是在符合其学术上的成功或失败(O'Sullivan的豪,1996)的真实性。 3)被雇用的探讨措施如下:自传的措施,写日记或面试。 (威廉姆斯负担,英语毕业论文,1999)。

According to Skehan’s(1989; Jiang, 2017) arguments, there is relationshipbetween attribution and learning strategy, and some researchers(Jiang, 2017;Li, 2017)did studies the association between attribution and the choice of learning strategy,while reading strategy is an essential part of research field of learning strategy. Wen Qiufang(2017) and Wang Lifei (2017) did a research on the various elements whichhave an influence on the operation of learning strategy. They mentioned that learningmotivation had an effect on the use of learning strategy, Oxford(1989) conducted astudy, which is under conventional environment, and they have found out thatlearning motivation was the only powerful element which had an influence on choiceof strategy. In addition, in the research of motivational component on foreignlanguage environment, Dornyei (2017) points out that attribution has been widelystudied among the internal components of foreign language study in motivationalpsychological field, but ignored in the second language acquisition research.attribution belongs to the category of learner element, and attribution serves asinternal component of learning motivation. Ellis (1994) thinks that learners’individual differences and all kinds of environmental elements decide the choice ofl
