Chapter 1: Preliminaries前言
1.1 Introduction引言
阅读是一个相当复杂的和人际交往的重要手段,在现代社会中,人们获得他们所需要的信息和知识。这是举世公认的,英语论文,在提高学习者的语言能力,阅读是至关重要的。Reading is a fairly intricate and essential means of human communication inmodem society, by which people acquire most of information and knowledge theyneed. It is universally acknowledged that reading is crucial in enhancing a learner'slanguage proficiency. As the most vital one of the five skills in English as a ForeignLanguage (EFL) learning, reading can not only facilitate the other inputprocess---listening, but help to improve the three processesspeaking, writing andeven translating. With their reading proficiency strengthened, EFL learners willmake greater progress and attain superior development in their academic areas. Inaddition, improving EFL reading competence can ensure students' success in variousEnglish examinations because reading comprehension as a comprehensive andeffective means to test students' mastery of English, is one of the main components indifferent English examination. For instance, reading comprehension accounts for atleast 40% of the total score in CET-4 and CET-6. Therefore, how to enhance EFLstudents' reading proficiency is considered as the core of College English readingteaching and has aroused the great concern of linguists,EFL teachers and students.Since the 1970s and 1980s,the focus of linguistics study has been switchingfrom grammar to discourse and Text Linguistics has become booming and influential(Hu 2017: 9). Many innovative language teachers overseas and domestically haverealized discourse analysis is of great importance in language teaching, especially inreading comprehension. Theme-Rheme theory is an effective system in discourseanalysis and is supposed to facilitate to improve EFL reading teaching. Therefore,the present study is centered on the College English reading teaching from theperspective of Theme-Rheme theory for the purpose of exploring a feasible andeffective EFL reading teaching approach.
1.2 Background of the Study探讨背景
A great many researches on Theme-Rheme theory have been launched bynumerous scholars and linguists both abroad and at home. Generally, Theme-Rhemetheory covers three dimensions: definition of Theme, classification of Theme andThematic Progression (TP) patterns. Mathesius (1939) and Halliday (1985)respectively propose their definitions of Theme. The latter also subcategorizesTheme as Simple Theme, Multiple Theme and Clausal Theme and raises the conceptof macro-Theme or paragraph Theme. Danes (1974) puts forward his four basic TPpatterns to demonstrate various development methods of different texts. In light ofDanes' TP theory, many Chinese scholars such as Xu (1982; 1985),Huang (1985),Huang (1988),Zhu (2017) and Hu et al (2017) etc. have contributed much to thedevelopment of TP theory and TP patterns.On the other hand, some researchers such as Zhao (1998), Liu (1999), Xiang(2017), Zhang (2017),Grellet (2017), McCarthy and Carter (2017) etc. also applyTheme-Rheme theory to English reading teaching and make great accomplishment inthis area. All the above-mentioned researches lay a solid theoretical and practicalfoundation for the present study,which intends to apply the Theme-Rheme theory toColle