
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: reading is the ultimate purpose of learning English, the improvement of reading ability the need to constantly expand their vocabulary, so want to learn some word guessing skills. Its method has two, one is through the familiar word guessing new words, the main use some word formation or use of a sentence of synonyms or antonyms. It is by the content of the understanding of the guess new words, including suggestive method, annotation method and repetition. This not only to improve their reading speed guess new words, and it helps to develop the ability of reading.
Keywords: English; Reading; Measure words; skills




英语中有转换、派生、合成三种措施构成一个新词,转换是由一个词类转化为另一类词类如:water名词“水”转化为water动词“浇水”等。派生即通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词。例如,happy加前缀un为unhappy,加后缀ness后成为happiness等,合成即由两个或更多的词合成一个新词。如wood(木)/cut(刻)成为wood cut(木刻)。例句:The internet is the way that all these machinescan be connected together.internet既由inter“互相的”加上net“网”译为“互联网”。

例句:Even as a child Tomas Edison had a very inquis-tive mind.At the age of three he performed his first expe-rienent out of curiosity.inquisitive若是生词,在读完生句后,我们可以看到后半句是前半句的补充说明,curiosity“好奇”一词的形容词为curious,那么curious即是inquisitive的近义词,句子就能得到准确的理解。例句:He replied quickly,but after he considered theproblem more corefully,he regretted having made such ahasty decision.前半句为replied quickly,后半句为regretted havingmade such a hasty decision.所以通过quickly可得知hasty为“匆忙”之意。例句:Capital is defined as the funds necessary to fi-nance the operation of business.此句中听capital与fund一词为同义词,猜出capital为“资金”之意。

例句: In many nations there are two financial ex-trems,from penury to great wealth.从wealth“财富”一词得之反义词penury一词为“贫穷”之意。例句: Outwardly, Emily seemed indifferent to herschool work,but in reality,she cared a great deal about as-signments.从in reality可看出后半句话发生转折,那么cared agreat deal和seemed indifferent意思相反,所以indifferent“不感兴趣的、冷漠”的意思。


有时句中会用or,like,such as,in other words,for ex-ample等词引出一句话或一个短语,那么这个就是对前面一词的解释说明。我们称之为暗示词(singal word)例句:Doctors recommend that everyone should exer-cise everyday,particularly those who spend hours doingsedentary activities like reading typing or sewing.找出like引导的名词,可猜出sedentary一词为“坐着的”意思.还有一些暗示词如although,but,however,on theother hand,neverless,yet,on the contrary,instead,while等词,起转折影响,文中相应的词。句意义会发生转变。例句:Most of them agreed,however,Tom disscented,agree为“同意”,however引出的“disscent”为“反对”之意。例句:I try hard not to make serious mistakes,but in-evitably I slip up.not to make mistakes为“不犯错误”,而but之后slipup意为“犯小错误”。还有些词如:first,then,after that,finally会引导出所发生的一连串事情。例句:People experience seveal distinct stages of de-pendence in their lives,first the new bornstage,next thechildhood,early adolescent and teenage stages;then,theyoung adult and adult stages;finally,,英语论文网站英语毕业论文
