Chapter One Introduction引言
This chapter introduces the present studies and the thesis from the followingperspectives: the overview of the word-meaning teaching studies, the purpose andsignificance of the thesis, and the overall structure of the thesis.
1.1 Overview of Word-meaning Teaching Studies字的含义教学探讨概述
It is known to all that vocabulary is an important component of languageteaching. Without enough amount of vocabulary, English learners can never makesolid progress in their listening, reading, speaking or writing abilities. Many linguistswho engaged in researches on foreign language teaching held that vocabulary plays acrucial role in foreign language teaching (McCarthy, 1990). Harmer (1990) had alsoproposed “If we compare language structure as the sketch of language, vocabulary isthe thing that provides important organs as well as blood and flesh." And suchimportance had well promoted the studies on word-meaning teaching, which isnon-deniable to be assumed as the most important and critical aspect in thevocabulary learning.This thesis, as its title implies, is concerned with word-meaning teaching.Word-meaning teaching is the main part in the vocabulary teaching and of the greatimportance to the language acquisition, for the meaning is a core or essence when wecarefully teach a word as three different steps which include sound, morpheme andmeaning teaching. I don't use the word "vocabulary" here for this dissertation is onlyplaned to focus on meaning. That is not to say that the three steps can easily bedivided in real situation. And here I just want to clear up my research. Same as itsimportance, I realized that the most difficulty in its teaching and acquisition is also thepoint that we must pay great attention to, since the meanings are not justcorresponding, i.e., the words are not simply monogamies, mostly they are polysemies,which is often complicated and make fiiss for language learners. Polysemy isubiquitous in natural language and it is the “indispensible spirit” of language. It ispolysemy that avails us to use those limited words to form various languages forexpressing ourselves efficiently. When we turn the pages of any English or Chinesedictionaries, we may easily have an impression of a high frequency of polysemouswords. Ravin and Claudia (2017) holds that of roughly 60,000 entities in Webster'sNew Century Dictionary, 21,488, or almost 40 percent have two or more senses.Throughout the century, the studies of polysemy have made a great contributionto the philosophy of language, linguistics, psychology, etc. It had attracted muchattention of linguists from different schools. Saussure had pointed out that absolutestability in language is never found. Baugh and Cable (1993) held nearly all aspects ofEnglish including sound, spelling and grammar keep changing from Old English toModem English. Old words die out, new words are added, and existing words changetheir meanings. Shu Dingfang (2017) points out that polysemy, which reflects theflexibility and the economical principle of languages, is an advantage rather than adefect of languages. The polysemy is really a great and attractive subject to befocused on. However, pretty same as a coin has two sides, t |