研讨“Had Better”的用法(2)[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

“had better”(“had best”与“had better”意思相同,只是没有“had better”使用普遍)后面接不带“to”的不定式,没有人称和时态的变化,不因主语人称、数或谓语时态等变化而变化,但不定式可以有时态和语态的变化。例如:

I think we had best take our leave.

He thinks he had better(不是has better)follow thedoctor's advice.

We'd better be going now.

It had better be done.

另外,“had better”这一习语的内部关系极为紧密,除了疑问句外,词组内部一般不可摄取其它词,包括否定词“not”。其规范的否定式应为“had better not”,而不是“hadnot better”。例如:

You had better not stay here.(你最好别呆在这儿。)

“had better”有自己的被动语态,其结构是:主语/ hadbetter / be /过去分词。如:

That foolishness of yours had better be stoppe,英语论文范文英语毕业论文
