
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

Chapter1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Grammar plays an important role in language learning, be it mother language orforeign language. Unlike ESL environment, students in China do not have regularopportunities for exposure to English. English learning in most places of China startsfrom primary school, with some cities from an earlier age, i.e., in kindergarten. On theone hand, the traditional English teaching approaches pay much attention to grammarand linguistic knowledge. On the other hand, many Chinese students of English seemto focus on phrases and expressions instead of grammar because of the exam-orientedsituation. The College English Syllabus (for non-English major undergraduates ofcolleges and universities) of 1999 stated clearly that in the foundational stage ofcollege English, a basic requirement of college English teaching was “to consolidateand deepen students’ basic grammar knowledge and improve their grammarproficiency at the discourse level”. In the New English Curriculum for ChinesePrimary Schools and Junior/Senior Middle Schools (experimental version, 2017), itpointed out that the current reform of English Curriculum aimed to change theover-emphasis on grammar and vocabulary knowledge and to establish a curriculumthat would help students to develop their comprehensive language competence.

1.2 Research Purpose
The present research is trying to get an overall view of college English teachers’grammar teaching beliefs in the environment of college English curriculum reform. Itaims to study whether teachers’ beliefs change with the curriculum reforms andteaching approaches shift, and attempts to find out whether the individual differencessuch as years of teaching, research interest, teaching course and so on, have animpact on teachers’ grammar teaching beliefs among college English teachers. Thisstudy intended to analyze those individual differences to provide useful informationfor college English teaching and provide a new perceptive for college Englishteachers and professional education program and further to improve college Englishteaching, especially grammar teaching quality and proficiency. Meanwhile, it ishoped that this investigation will throw light to grammar teaching in college Englishpedagogy to inspire college English teachers to reflect on their teaching practice thusto improve teachers’ professional development and grammar teaching proficiencyand finally improve English teaching and students’ English skills to achieve thedesired teaching aims.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Teachers’ Beliefs
The study of teachers’ beliefs has been a heated focus in the fields of generaleducation, psychology and language teaching. In different fields, scholars give diversedefinitions of teachers’ beliefs. It is also referred to as teachers’ perspectives,orientations to teaching, perceptions and implicit theories (Freeman & Porter, 1986;Goodman, 1988; Clark, 1988). In the 1960s, Robert Rosenthal (1968) began to studyand explore expectancy beliefs and self- fulfilling prophecies. In recent years, there hasbeen an increasing interest in teachers’ beliefs in the fields of general education andsecond language teaching. Various studies suggest that teachers’ beliefs have a certaininfluence on the,英语论文范文英语论文
