
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

1. Literature Review

1.1 Concept of Grammar
1.1.1 Review of grammar concept
Widdowson (1999:82) holds the opinion that grammar is the set of structural formulating the formation of clauses, phrases, and words of any natural language. According to Geoffrey Leech (1983), grammar is a kind of mechanism in accordance with which language works when it is used for communication with other people. Dictionary of Linguistics  of French language edition defines grammar as “a term which is relative to phonology and researches the changing of morpheme and its compositional rules''. (Shu Ding fang,Zhuang Zhixiang,英语论文范文,1996:98).Hu Zhuanglin (2017:11) pointed out that if the target of language teaching is enabling students to use language rightly and meaningfully, we should look on grammar as a rational dynamic system rather than an arbitrary static one. George Yule (2017) insists that grammar be regarded as a constructive system. In this system, the difference in grammatical forms can be thrown light on by the difference in its meaning and context. When language users have formed a constructive grammar system, the meaning, form and its usage in its analyzed frame are regarded inseparable. Chomsky (1965) further holds that grammar is a system that rules how sentences will be formed, used and comprehended, which is defined as “syntax”.

威多森(1999:82)持有认为语法结构制定的一套条款,英语毕业论文,短语和任何自然语言的话形成。据杰弗里·利奇(1983),语法是一种机制,按照与语言当它被用于与其他人的沟通工作。法语版语言学词典定义语法“一词是相对的音韵学和探讨变化的语素和其组分规则''。 (舒庄志翔,丁芳,1996:98)。胡壮麟(2017:11)指出,如果语文教学目标是让学生应用语言的正确和有意义的,我们应该看看语法作为一个理性的动态系统,而不是一个任意的静态。乔治·尤尔(2017)坚持认为语法被视为建设性的系统。在此系统中,所不同的语法形式中可以被抛出的光在其意义和范围内的异同。当语言的用户已经形成了一种建设性的语法体系,意义,形式和它的使用在其略论框架被认为是分不开的。乔姆斯基(1965)进一步认为,语法,句子如何形成,使用和理解,它被定义为“语法”规则是一个系统。

Larsen-Freeman(2017:34-38)put forward the concept of grammar which includesthree aspects: morpho-syntax, semantics and pragmatics. The three is dependent on eachother and a change of one will lead to the change of the other two aspects. She found it themost difficult to mater the pragmatics. In terms of the passive voice, the meaning and formcan be explained by a couple of words while its usage can not. Thus, it cannot be usedaccurately by students.We can see that the development of people's attitudes to the essence of language from the development of grammar concept. Language, which serves as a carrier of culture andinformation as well as a tool for communication, is not only a social phenomenon but alsoa social act. However, language has a static side on its form as well as a dynamic one. It isa combination of form, meaning and usage. Therefore, great importance should beattached to both the form and function of language while in grammar teaching activities.

1.2 Necessity of teaching grammar
Some researchers think that grammar should be taught in class while others disagree.The issue of whether grammar should be taught in class comes from the conflicts of therelations between explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge. According to Bialystok view, explicit knowledge, broadly speaking, denotes a conscious analytic awareness of theformal characteristics of the target language while implicit knowledge denotes an intuitivesense of what is correct and acceptable (Bialystok,1982:181). The native speakers useimplicit knowledge to communicate, however, the grammar teaching in class bringslearners the explicit knowled
