
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21




除了not外,另外还有一些副词也可以表示否定。如:too…to,sel-dom,never,hardly,rarely,scarcely,nowhere等。He is too old to work for his bread.他年纪太老不能赚钱糊口了。Never in my life have I heard or seen such a thing.我生平从未听说或见过这样的东西。 I could hardly understand him.我不大能懂他的意思。He has scarcely anything to eat.他几乎没有东西吃。She seldom reads newspaper.她不常看报。I rarely met him.我很少遇见他。My watch is nowhere to be found.我的表没什么地方可找的啦!


如:against,out of,without,except,except for,beyond,but for,far from,away from,but,with the exception of,exclusive of,instead of等。Luck is against him.他运气不佳。But for your help,I should have failed.没有你的帮助,我早已失败了。It is far from perfect.那绝不是完美的。Stay away from fire.不要靠近火。Full skirts are out of fashion this season.这个季节宽大的长裙已不流行。The fish swam away,without saying another word.鱼再没有说别的话就游走了。We all went but him.除他没去外,英语论文题目,我们都去了。Everyone is ready except you.除你没准备好外,大家都准备好了。All the items were discussed exclusive of the last two.除最后两项没讨论外,其他都讨论到了。They passed with the exception of three.他们当中除了三个人没及格外,其他人都及格了。The book is beyond me.这本书太深,我看不懂。He goes to work on foot instead of by bus.他没有乘车而是步行去上班。out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。out of patience不耐烦out of pocket没有钱


如:off,last,wrong,few,little,neither,bad,poor,none,blind to,deaf to等。He is feeling rather off today.他今天感到有些不适。This is the last place where I expected to have met you.真想不到会在这里碰见你。It is a wrong way to throw a ball.这是一种不适当的投球法。He is a man of few words.他是一个言语不多的人。He takes little pain with his work.他工作不太努力。Neither statement is true.两种说法都不对。He had a bad temper.他脾气很不好。Her mother is in poor health.她妈妈身体不好。None of you watched carefully enough.你们都没有仔细地去观察。He is blind to his own defects.他不能察觉自己的缺点。He was deaf to all advice.他不听一切劝告。


如:miss,lose,refuse,wonder,lack,fail,keep,prevent,stop,hinder,re-strain,deter,inhabit,debar,warn,protect,prohibit,preclude,let alone,shun,forbid,bar,know better than,enjoin,ban,interdict,hold back,give over,es-cape,ignore等。What he lacks in brains,he makes up for in brawn.他以体力来弥补他脑力不足的地方。It is a pity that you should have missed such a fine film.如此好的电影你没看真可惜。You have lost your train;you must wait for the next.你没有赶上这班火车,英语论文,必须等下一班。He failed to follow our advice.他没有听从我们的忠告。He refused to obey.他不愿服从。I wonder whether he is ready.我不知道他是否准备好了。The prisoner was keeping back vital information.那个囚犯有重要消息不肯吐露。Family finances prohibited him going to college.家庭经济状况使他不能上大学。Those clothes don’t protect you against the cold.那些衣服不能使你御寒。Business prevented his going.公务使他不能脱身。A prior engagement will preclude me from coming.先前的约会使我不能来。Stop crying.不要哭了!I have much business that has hindered my answering your letter.我由于有事在身,没能给你回信。Join was debarred from playing on the school team because his work hadbeen poor.约翰不能参加校队,因为他过去的成绩很坏。Timber is often treated with chemical substances to deter rot.为了不让木头腐烂,常以化学药品处理。The teacher warned him against too hard.老师告诫他不要过渡劳累。I’ve given over trying to convince him.我已不再试图说服他。The teacher forbade us to leave our seats.老师不准我们离开座位。Fear inhibits me from talking.我害怕得说不出话来。He restrained his laughter.他忍不住笑。Let my things alone.不要干涉我的事情。They shun personal fame and gains.他们不计个人名利。I know better than to quarrel.我不至于去争吵。He was barred from membership because of his bad
