
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Study 
With the acceleration of globalization and the rapid increase of knowledge and information, life-long learning has become a survival concept in 21st century. As an educational power, China also leads the trend of entering the life-long learning society. Social psychology research suggests that learner autonomy is a basic human need and it  is  an  essential  ability  for  life-long  learning  (Guan  Yinfeng,  2017).  Therefore,  it  is particularly urgent to foster  people’s learner autonomy.  Learner autonomy  originally belonged to the category of educational philosophy, and was introduced into English teaching field by Holec in 1981. He defined learner autonomy as learner’s ability of taking responsibility for their own learning and this kind of ability could be fostered. Since  then,  learner  autonomy  has  become  a  hot  spot  of  foreign  language  education research.  According  to  Xu  Jinfen  (2017,01),  although  there  were  a  variety  of researches of learner autonomy, the research content needed to be further refined, and it would be very meaningful to study learner autonomy in different aspects of English learning  such  as  listening,  speaking,  reading  and  writing.  According  to  Gardner  & Miller (1999), there might be differences for one learner in different language learning skills  since  the  degrees  of  learner  autonomy  were  different.  In  conclusion,  it  is necessary  to  refine  the  study  of  learner  autonomy  to  a  certain  aspect  in  English learning.   

1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Study 
In view of the above-mentioned background of the study, the author tries to find out a good way to foster college students’ autonomy in English listening in class. This is  the  main  purpose  of  the  study.  The  reason  why  the  author  chooses  scaffolding instruction  is  that  it  is  a  student-centered  teaching  method  and  teachers  in  this teaching method play the role of instructors and supervisors. It is based on Vygotsky’s “social constructionism” theory and “the zone of proximal development” theory. The scaffoldings  which  should  be  established  according  to  students’  zone  of  proximal development can lead the students’ intelligence from the current level to a higher level. Students can internalize these scaffoldings to guide their independent learning in the future.  Therefore,  the  author  attempts  to  use  scaffolding  instruction  to  cultivate college students’ autonomy in listening learning and through a teaching experiment to explore  whether  it  is  more  effective  than  the  traditional  listening  teaching  in cultivating the students’ autonomy in listening learning.  The ,英语论文网站英语论文题目
