
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

Chapter OneIntroduction

1.1 Research orientation
This thesis sets out to investigate the tuition-free normal university English majors'development of teaching strategies for English reading, intended to testify the efficiencyof the proposed training model called Modeling. Modeling is conceptualized here asconsisting of 4 interlocked and recyclable phases (observation, reflection, Reference, and practice) and one assessing phase called evaluation.The present research is expected to launch a new training initiative in the field ofteaching strategy training. It will also accelerate those future English teachers' familiaritywith the teaching strategies for English reading and eliminate the obstacles along theirEnglish teachers-to-be career in advance. Furthermore, bearing Modeling in mind, theycan tailor the model to suit changing circumstances all their lives.

1.2 Research rationale
Language teaching is a creative process in which the teacher makes correspondingdecisions according to the changing teaching environment. In order to fulfill the teachinggoal and improve the students' learning efficiency, the teacher has to use some teachingstrategies in some specific teaching situations. In the setting of English reading classroom,proper use of teaching strategies for English reading by English teachers is ofindispensable importance. By implementing the 5 phases of Modeling in the training oftuition-free normal university English majors' teaching strategies for English reading, theirawareness of the intricacies of the teaching process is raised. Consequently, ifsystematically and successively done, their theories and experiences of teaching strategiescan lay a solid foundation for their future career through the 5 phases embedded inModeling.Secondly, modeling, which is also called observational learning, is one of the primaryways in which individuals acquire new knowledge and skills over the life span. It involvesabstracting the information conveyed by specific exemplars about the structure and theunderlying principles governing the behavior, rather than simple response mimicry ofspecific exemplars. Once the students learn the guiding principle, they can use it togenerate new versions of the behavior that go beyond what they have seen or heard. Theycan tailor the model to suit changing circumstances all their lives. Furthermore, they canevolve an advanced capacity for observational learning that enables them to shape andstructure their lives through the power of modeling.

Chapter TwoLiterature Review

2.1 Teaching strategy
The Chinese equivalent, celue, of the term "Strategy" was derived from the militaryterminology, referring to measures employed to achieve the realization of planningstrategic tasks in wars. In contrast, the term "Strategy" bears 2 meanings in English,inclusive of cautious planning, measuring and plotting and techniques applied to reachinga certain objective. So far, strategy has turned into a common term with the developmentof applied linguists, indicating approaches and principles in relation to the changingsituations, and the art of planning and using existing means (X.-W. Li, & Wang, 2017).Language pedagogy involves 3 levels, namely the practical action level, the policyle,英语论文网站英语论文范文
