Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research background
Writing has always been viewed as one of the four fundamental skills of languageapplication. As an output form of language acquisition, writing also serves as anindispensable and valid measurement for language assessment. In the EFL writing teachingcircle, many efforts have been contributed to improving the student learner's writing abilities,disappointingly, however, the results are still less satisfying. Even, many college Englishteachers confirm that teaching EFL writing has always been a challenging task to meet. As acollege English teacher, the researcher herself is also confronted with such difficult situationof writing teaching. Writing seems simple at the surface level,英语毕业论文,but is actually among the mostdifficult of cognitive tasks and many students are poor achievers in this skill. Generallyspeaking, after a certain period of normal writing training, most students can constructsentences with words and string them together into a piece of grammatical text; but onlyseveral of them can make their text moving, convincing and thought-provoking. Manylinguists and scholars (Yang, 1997; Su, 2017; Zhou, 2017; Lu,2017) have focused on thevarious problems in student writer's compositions and point out that, compared with somegrammatical problems in the surface level, the most disturbing problem of students'composition exists in the lack of cohesive devices and coherence. In other words, the mostconcerning problem in students' compositions is not due to the errors in spelling or grammarbut due to the poor coherence between sentences and/or paragraphs.
1-2 Purpose of the study
As what is discussed in the background part, the researcher slightly modifies theexercise and makes it a text-reconstruction one in which the clause relation theory serves asthe theoretical guidance to analyze how the model texts achieve the connection andcoherence between sentences while reconstruction works as the practical approach to trainstudents to build up coherent text by themselves. In other words, the clause relation theoryoffers the theoretical support while the reconstruction approach serves as the workable andpractical pedagogy for the present study.The exact purposes for carrying out the present study are as follows:First, the researcher aims to test whether this text-reconstruction can exercise work asan effective way for students’ writing training.Second, if the current exercise turned out an effective one, the researcher goescontinuously to evaluate to what extent this form of exercises can improve the students'overall performance in their EFL writing.Third, if turned out an effective one, how could the current exercise exert positive effects on raising the students' consciousncss for creating coherence in },:nglish writing.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Key terms
In the present study, several related terms about coherence are involved. So theresearcher will first define them to make them clear-cut terms. To list them, they are “text”and ‘‘coherence“ Text is a key term in text linguistic and text analysis, and it is where cohesion andcoherence occur. When we talk about cohesion or coherence, we must locate them in acertain text. Generally speaking, a “text” is formally treated as a linguistic unity thatcontains more than one sentence. In defining “text”,many lingu,英语论文