1 A Brief Look at Teachers’Beliefs老师信仰的简述
It is believed that beliefs can be taken as a psychological partof faith. They are the theories or inveterate ideas based on whichperson can penetrate the whole world.They are the mental powers that urge person to do everything to rebuild the nature and the society. Teaching is a complicated process which can be defined in different ways. Generally speak ing, it is described by what actions and behaviors teachers takes inthe classroom and the influences on learners. There is a lot of evi dence indicating that beliefs exert great influence on teachers. Ac cording to Pajares (1992), the beliefs of teachers play a more criti cal role than knowledge in arranging lessons, making decisions andfacilitating teaching process in the class. Scores of belief system, in corporating their teaching values and attitudes, expectations, teach ing methodology, acknowledgement as well as assumptions of teach ing and learning, underpin teacher’s classroom behaviors. Thesebelief systems took shape long time ago, which can be traced backto adolescent years.Their assumptions about teaching and learning, positive ornegative, will exert great impact on every segment in the teachingprocedure. Even if what the teacher act is spontaneous or from usu al practice without thinking deeply, These impromptu behaviorsare triggered by some ingrained belief systems, which may havebeen far from clear or positive. Therefore, the deep-rooted beliefsof the teachers and their assumptions about teaching and learningwill prevail over the whole process of classroom teaching, insteadof a specific teaching methodology or some theories having beenlearned or mastered before. If a teacher is a person who often reas sesses his beliefs about language, or about what language islearned, or about education as a whole, then it is critical that teach ers first realize and express their own theoretical standpoints. Their belief is an exploring topic to the linguists, educationists, or evenpsychologists, then so many researchers have done a lot to developthis notion.
2 The Literature Review of Teachers’Beliefs老师信仰的评论
2.1 The past development of teachers’beliefs老师信仰的发展
From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, a campaign on educa tion reform prevailing around the whole world, which could be seenas a challenge to the behaviorist methods, which were popular inthe 1970s(Richards, 2017) when people's eyes changed to the psy chological side of teaching. By investigating the psychologicalteachers' ideas, researchers try their best to find the effects ofteachers' beliefs on teachers' decision making in classroom andwant to find better methodology in teaching.The term "beliefs" is used by researchers in different ways.Kagan (1992) says there is no common understanding to use theterm" teachers' beliefs". In accord with Richardson (1996), beliefsare referred to as part of a group of formation which describe con tent of mental state and structures driving one’s behaviors. It maybe defined perceptions, assumptions, implicit and explicit theories,judgments, opinions and more (Calderhead, 1996; Kagan, 1992; Pa jares, 1992). In the study of Bullock and Stable (2017), teachers’beliefs are referred to as the th |