
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Researching Background
小型类教学模型自20世纪70年代以来,已成为最流行的教育的改革之一,吸引了美国政府和公众的眼球,这可以被证明由这种情况下,给点如下:的黄金时机计划印第安纳国家,STAR报告得分在田纳西州,加州和SAGE实证调查在20世纪90年代在威斯康星州的CSR计划的学生和教师的比例,推动小班教学模式的发展,使之成为压倒性一站在那些美国教育改革。从在田纳西州进行的STAR项目的具体情况的结果,我们可以有那些令人信服的数据的透彻略论。1983年,田纳西州国会做出了一个决定,不放过一个投资1.2亿元成立了STAR项目,其目的是获得该效果的小班教学模式,对学生的发展,为学生的科目设置从幼儿园到普通小学三年级。Since the 1970s, the small class teaching model has become one of the most popularEducational reforms, attracting both the American governments’ and the public’s eyeballs,which can be testified by such cases to the point as follows: the Golden Timing plan of theIndiana State, the STAR report on scoring ratio of students and teachers in the Tennessee, theCSR plan of California and the SAGE empirical survey in Wisconsin during the 1990s, allhaving impelled the development of the small class teaching model, and made it become anoverwhelming one standing out of those American educational reforms. And from the resultof the specific case of the STAR project carried out in Tennessee, we can have a thoroughanalysis of those convincing datum. In 1983, the Congress of the Tennessee State made adecision of sparing an investment of 120 million to set up the STAR project, whose aim wasto obtain the effect the small class teaching model having on students’ development, withsubjects set up as students from the kindergarten to Grade Three in ordinary primary schools.After four years’ investigation, researchers found that students from those small classes,whose student number in total is 13-17, performed much better than students from thosemuch larger classes, comparatively whose total student number is 22-25. Likewise, theTeaching Group of Public Courses in Wisconsin presided over the SAGE plan, whoseduration lasted for 5 years in 1996, focusing on such a feature of small class teaching modelas individuality emphasis. And the results showed that: Teaching, based on differences ofindividuals having small class education, had cut down the rate of students’ interruptingtroubles in class, enhanced teachers’ ardor in teaching, and meanwhile gained more effectiveteaching time. Gradually several States began to modify the scale of student number into17-20 per class, urged by the convincing datum of these two survey reports. That the smallclass teaching model does greatly good in pushing students’ development has bit by bit beenacknowledged by most educators in academies. Thus, the US Department of Education in1998 put forward a plan to limit the total student number of each class from Grade one to three in elementary schools into 18, to have achieved the goal of whittling the class size in thefuture seven years.Comparatively such European countries as German, France, England, Netherlands andSwitzerland limited student number per class into 22 or less. And Japan who owns a largerpopulation density recently has modified student number in large frequencies, limiting thenumber into 30 or so.
鉴于这些发生在海外,中国工程院已开始安装更多的关注,到20世纪90年代以来的小班教学模式,改革的平均规模为小班出席中国教育改革已经成为一个热点。甘冒时间1996年年初,上海的先驱已经开始小班教学模式在中国的学术探讨。从此以后,英语毕业论文,在1997年,在北京的一些学校成功地上海在这样的探讨工作。并于1997年在小学每班学生人数32,标志着小班教学模式在上海开始的。并于1999年每班的平均人数限制为28个,英语论文,而在2017年,它变成了24。In light of those having taken place overseas, Chinese academy has started to attachmore attention to the small class teaching model since the 1990s, and the reform from theaverage size into small-class has become a hot attend in Chinese educational reforms. Even inthe early time o
