
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21


1 Introduction引言

1.1 Background of the research探讨背景
随着时代的发展,我们向外界开放,人们需要更多的口头与外国人沟通。越来越多的人具有较高的英语口语能力是必要的。然而,这是众所周知的,很多中国学生认为说英语是一件很困难的事情。他们可以做的很好的阅读和写作,但在讲英语的困难。With the development of our opening to the outside world, people need more tocommunicate orally with foreigners. A growing number of people who has a highproficiency of oral English are needed. However, it is well known that lots of Chinesestudents think that speaking English is a very difficult thing. They can do well in readingand writing, but have difficulties in English speaking. And they usually feel anxious andunable to express themselves appropriately both in meaning and form when they speak.They become unwilling to open their mouths to speak English gradually.In recent years, a growing number of students have been admitted to the vocationalcolleges. And the students in vocational college are different from those students inuniversities. They have their own characteristics. That is to say, they are required to dopractical work rather than scholastic work in the future.  And the Vocational CollegeDivision of the Ministry of Education stressed that the students in vocational collegeshould have the ability to do effective oral English communication in their daily livesand their future trade activities (Xu, 2017). However, compared with the students inuniversities and high schools, the vocational college students seem to lack interest andpassion in English learning and they appear to be more unwilling to open their mouths tospeak English. At the same time their oral English proficiency is lower (Xu, 2017). Sohow to improve the vocational college students’ oral English has been a great problemfor English teachers.Furthermore, English teachers in the vocational college usually teach the students ina traditional teacher-centered way. As a result, there are so many “dumb” Englishlearners. And it has proved that this method is not effective to improve the students’ oralEnglish. Under this situation, the English teachers want to find a more effective way tostimulate the students’ interest in English speaking and improve the students’ oralEnglish proficiency.

1.2 Rationale of the study探讨方向
The Reason for applying Task-based Language TeachingWith the application of different teaching approaches, oral English teaching inChina has experienced many changes and great progress has also been made. However,though most vocational college students have learnt English since primary school, mostof them still have the problems of using the target language in real world communicationor even making themselves understood. And the current EFL teaching situation invocational colleges is not satisfactory. English teaching in most vocational colleges ismainly dominated by the teacher-controlled approach, and the students do not have manyopportunities to communicate with others. (Xu, 2017)As we know, the purpose of TBLT is to promote communicative competence, tofocus on the development of learning skills and learning qualities (motivation,confidence and independence) which would promote learners’ future learning. Theadoption of TBLT in the oral English class in vocational colleges is helpful to both theEnglish teachers and the students. On one hand, English teachers may improve theirte
