在翻译这些双关语时,多数情况下只能割爱,把意思翻译出来就行了。如上面各例可译为:hen-pecked, wait for our decision (In fact, the speaker wants to gain something for himself before making the decision for the benefit of the listener), in the same way 4. 委婉语 委婉语(euphemism)是当人们要谈论生活中那些惹人不快、使人尴尬、招人讨厌和令人恐惧的事物时所用的词或短语[4]。 As early as 1939, the Long Island Federation of Women' s Club“decreed that housewives should cease to be housewives and become homemakers”.[4]“homemaker”的本意是持家人,取用该词作“housewife(家庭妇女)”的委婉义,以此表达对妇女的尊重。英汉两种语言有的委婉语是相同的,比如“过世了”- pass away,“上洗手间”-go to the washroom。但是不同的用法也很多,不能硬译。如:“他有经济问题”意即He is corrupted.或He has accepted the bribery.不能译成He has the problem of econom,英语论文题目,英语毕业论文 |