摘要: 近几年,越来越多的人开始遵循美声的基本练声法是最科学最基础的练习,但是在很多专业人士认为,通俗跟美声是天差地别,根本无法相提并论。所以迄今为止仍然没有一个真正的观点来认证怎么样能以美声唱法的功底来巩固流行音乐的演唱功底,笔者经过多年的揣摩和亲身经历。发现了无论是美声歌曲的演唱还是流行歌曲的演绎都可以有其共同的演唱根基和练声措施。文章从侧面简述了各种音乐风格的歌曲流传至中国后对国内的音乐市场带来的作用,笔者提出其美声唱法与通俗唱法之间的共性,并利用美声唱法的专业优势更好的推进流行歌曲演唱过程中关于音色和气息位置等的更好控制。在历年的各种流行音乐比赛中常常会出现一些奇怪的现象。从正统学院出身的专业学习美声唱法及民族唱法的选手在这些比赛中经常有被业余歌手打败的情况。这不能说是美声的演唱措施的学习对流行音乐的歌曲演唱表达有所阻碍,而是那些专业学生在没有能自如应用正统声乐措施演唱任何一种风格的歌曲时,就随意地将自我理解的书本理论中的条条框框束缚着的单纯的不附加感情韵味的基础措施强加于通俗歌曲中,英语论文题目,失掉了流行音乐所要演唱者表达的东西,听起来自然死板,生硬。真正领悟并自如地将美声唱法应用于流行歌曲不是一朝一夕就能完成的,是要靠自身不断的揣摩和练习才能达到完美的效果。 关键词:歌曲内涵;流行歌曲演唱;发声措施;气息 Abstract Recently more and more enthusiast believe the Bel Canto Artistic Style of Singing vocalism is the most reasonable and basic,but some enthusiast think there are lots of difference between Bel Canto Artistic Style of Singing and earthliness canto Artistic Style of Singing,which are uncomparable. So far there isn't a opinion to verify how to consolidate the singing of popular music by the way of Bel Canto Artistic Style of Singing。as my experience and guess,they are the same in the way of singing and practicing.how to take the advantage of Bel Canto Artistic Style of Singing to impel the performing of the popular music,expecially timbre and breath In the annual contest of popular music,it is common that amateur singer beat the profesional singer.isn't the practice of Bel Canto Artistic Style of Singing helpful to the expressing of popular music Key Words: a song connotation; song hits performance; to give off sound measures;breath 第1章 绪论 4 参考文献 [1] 李晋玮 李晋瑗 编著.《沈湘声乐教学艺术》 [M].北京:华乐出版社,2017.2