
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22



[中文摘要]      本文旨在定义同声传译(同传)中的信息忠实性准则,英语论文探讨如何在交际场合中有效地确保信息的准确传递,并节省同传译员的信息处理能力(processing capacity)。/英语毕业论文本文共有六个部分组成,前言部分对全文作了总体介绍,结论部分综述全文。

     第二章围绕信息忠实性定义展开讨论。作者借助Gile的口译忠实性实验阐述交际信息是由原信息(message)、构架信息(framing information)、语言引发信息(language induced information)和个体信息(personal information)组成的。原信息是传递方要表达的首要信息(primary information),也是口译员要竭力传递的信息。由于时间和信息处理能力有限,同传译员可以放弃次要信息(secondary information)来确保首要信息的忠实性。本文对信息忠实性的定义包括了原信息的忠实性、次要信息的忠实性和效果的忠实性。
     第三章主要研讨作用同传中信息忠实性的因素。通过实证略论,作者指出同传中的错译及漏译与口译员的信息处理能力紧密相连。Gile的“认知负荷模式”(Effort Models) 解释了这个联系。作者指出源语和目的语的语言异同、口译员的背景知识及他们在口译中所持的立场都可能导致信息处理能力分配的失败,从而破坏信息的忠实性。
     [英文摘要]:     Simultaneous interpreting (SI) is gaining momentum in international affairs because of its synchronicity in information transmission. However, complete information delivery seems rare in SI. This thesis aims at defining the principle of fidelity in SI so as to ensure smooth information transmission in communication. It consists of four chapters, excluding the Introduction and Conclusion.
    The nature of interpreting is examined in Chapter One. Interpreting is an act of intercultural communication. The interpreter’s task is to help information flow between the communicative parties. On the basis of some models of communication, a model of interpreting as communication of information is designed to illustrate that the interpreter is an intermediary in communication who helps the sender and the receiver achieve smooth communication across the barriers of language and culture. A basic concern in interpreting is whether the interpreter can faithfully render the information from the source language (SL) to the target language (TL).
    Fidelity in interpreting is focused on in Chapter Two. The author refers to Gile’s experiment on fidelity to explore the components of information, which includes the message (primary information) and the secondary information. Absolute fidelity, which advocates preserving the message fidelity in interpreting, should always be observed in SI. Because of time constraints, the simultaneous interpreter can modify the secondary information for a full delivery of the message. The author then comes to her definition of information fidelity in SI, which comprises message fidelity, secondary information fidelity and impact fidelity.
    Chapter Three is devoted to the analysis of errors and omissions occurring in SI. From a sample testing survey, the author points out that errors and omissions in SI are greatly related to the interpreter’s processing capacity. Gile’s Effort Models give an explanation of this relationship. Moreover, some factors, such as linguistic differences between the SL and the TL, the interpreter’s background knowledge, and his/her attitudes can
