Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Following the world trend of teaching young learners foreign languages, Englishcourse has been offered in primary school since 2017 in China,and the researches onprimary school English teachers have attracted more and more attention in the lastdecade,in terms of their professional development, however, remain a relativelyunexplored field. Furthermore, the publish of New English Curricular Standards inthe Phase of Compulsory Education and New Teacher Education Standard by Minsterof National Education Department in 2017,updated the philosophy of teaching andthe requirement for primary school English teacher, which also appealed researchersto pay close attention to the professional development of primary school Englishteachers. In this part, the foreign language teaching in primary schools abroad and athome, the necessity of primary school English teachers’ professional developmentwill be discussed respectively.
1.1.1 Foreign Language Teaching in Primary Schools Abroad
Since the 1960s,some European countries have begun the researches of thefeasibility of foreign language learning for children, and nine years later, theEuropean committee decided to teach foreign language from the children who were10 years old in 21 member states,till 1990,the children, only 8 years old,wereprovided the foreign language (FL) courses by some countries, such as Austria,Finland, Ireland, Luxemburg, Sweden and Swiss. Scotland required all the primaryschools to offer foreign language courses from 10 years old in 1997,and took Frenchas the main FL. FL must be taught in Hungary at the age of 8,where Russian was themain FL by 1990, and then German and English replaced it. In Spain, French andEnglish have been learnt in primary school since 1992, while English, French,German, and Spanish began to be leamt by pupils in Italy inl985.In addition, along with the emergence of the viewpoint of “English is a globallanguage" (Crystal, 1997: 1),and the statement proposed by Fishman (1996; 628):“The world of large scale commerce,industry, technology, and banking, like theworld of certain human Sciences and professions, is an international world and it islinguistically dominated by English almost everywhere, regardless of how wellestablished and well-protected local cultures, languages,and identities may otherwisebe", English was recognized as the major foreign language course, even the onlyforeign language course in the primary schools over the world. For example,thepupils were required to leam a foreign language in Netherland since 1986,andEnglish was the only official foreign language course. Norway offered English fromgrade 1 of primary schools since 1997. In Korea, English was the first foreignlanguage, together with German, French. German, and Chinese, which had beenarranged in the after-class activities since 1982,and since 1997, English was enrolledinto the formal curriculum from grade 3 of primary schools,with no less than 40-80minutes a week. Similarly Japan offered the English from grade 3 of primary schoolfrom 2017.
1.1.2 English Teaching in Primary Schools of China
In China, tremendous