
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Reasons for the Action Research
On the other hand,Harmer (2017) pointed out the reasons for teaching tostudents of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, languagedevelopment, learning style and, most importantly, reading as a skill in its own right.So we can see through reading the students can consolidate what they learnt and thatreading can help the students to develop their language. Harmer (2017) especiallyemphasized reading as a skill, “by far the most important reason for teaching reading,of course,is that it is a basic language skill, just as important as speaking,listeningand writing. So we can say reading abilities are not only important skills for the students to demonstrate their academic achievements but also very important lifeskills in the future,esp. when they get into work. Richards (2017) continued tomaintain "Yet good reading skills are essential to academic success and a requirementfor many occupations and professions."(p. 100)In a word, the importance of developing the students' reading skills must bestrongly emphasized.According to Ruan Min( 2017), the leading-in part has a significant influence inTeaching of English reading,英语论文题目,for the quality of it can determine whether the studentsare active and willing to take part in the reading class. If so, the students can enjoy thelesson and gain effective learning result. Otherwise,all the work done by the teachersand all the time the students wasted will be in vain.The importance of leading-in in teaching of English reading is needless to say,without effective use of it,英语毕业论文,the students' interests can not be aroused, and the effectivelearning can not be guaranteed, either.

1.2 Hypotheses
1. The leading-in in teaching the students reading may help students developpositive attitudes towards reading in English.
2. After the action research, the ability of the students' reading will be improved interms of reading rate and reading accuracy.

Chapter 2 Theoretical Basis for the Action Research

2.1 Ways of leading-in in teaching reading
The leading-in part is a linker which connect the mastered knowledge with thenew ones, so it's the start point of a new lesson (p2). From the above, we can see theimportance of leading-in, it works like a bridge which link the mastered knowledgewith the knowledge to be mastered, so if use properly, we can not only save time, butalso improve the students' ability more effectively.Professor Jiaguo Sun shared the same opinionThe leading-in part is the most important part in Teaching Technique. It's thebeginning of a new lesson, and also the foundation of it. So it's very important inarousing the students' interests. (p3)Without interests much of the teachers work and the students' efforts will be invain. As the saying goes, interests are the first teacher in learning. So one must takethe leading-in seriously in order to let it works well for both the teachers and the students.

2.2 Past researches on leading-in in teaching reading
Some Chinese teachers have done some research on reading. Wang (2017) andHe (2017) stressed the importance of leading-in and employed it in their teaching.Wang (2017) described his reading procedure in details 如d the researcher was greatlyenlightened by it.Of all the four skills, on one
