
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Literature Review

在本章中,作者回顾了探讨,在国内外,在初中的英语口语能力的现况和会谈。在本章中,你可以看到,虽然有这么多的探讨,对于母语迁移和SLA,更少的人是在初中的英语口语能力。In this chapter,the author reviews the study abroad and at home, and talks about thepresent condition about the oral English ability in junior middle schools. In this chapter,you can see that though there are so many researches about mother tongue transfer andSLA,fewer ones are about the oral English ability in junior middle school.

1.1 Study of SLA Abroad
第二语言习得(SLA)是指探讨的个人和团体,谁是学习一门语言后,学习他们的第一个年幼的孩子,到了学习该语言的过程。额外的语言被称为第二语言(L2),英语论文,即使它实际上可能是第三,第四,被收购或第十。通常也被称为目标语言(TL),它是指以任何语言学习的目的或目标。SLA的范围包括非正式的第二语言的学习在自然背景下发生的,正式的L2学习,发生在教室,和L21盈利,涉及这些设置和情节的混合物。第二语言习得,也可以称为SLA,站在,为人民LEAM另一种语言,除了母语或第一语言。当术语来讲,它开始从年龄语言学习。由于在童年的孩子通常可以教他们的母语或第一语言,但不是第二语言。然后,在前人探讨的SLA始终注重老年群体。Second language acquisition (SLA) refers both to the study of individuals and groupswho are learning a language subsequent to learning their first one as young children, and tothe process of learning that language. The additional language is called a second language(L2), even though it may actually be the third, fourth, or tenth to be acquired. It is alsocommonly called a target language (TL),which refers to any language that is the aim orgoal of learning. The scope of SLA includes informal L2 learning that takes place innaturalistic contexts, formal L2 learning that takes place in classrooms, and L21earning thatinvolves a mixture of these settings and circumstances. Second language acquisition whichalso can be called SLA, stands for the people leam another language besides mothertongue or the first language. When the term is concerned,it starts from language learningfrom an older age. Since while in childhood children usually be taught their mother tongueor the first language but not a second language. Then the previous researches of SLAalways pay attention to the older age groups.
Compared with other application language subjects, the research of second languageacquisition is a relatively newer one. As a special research area,it can be traced back to thelate sixties and the early seventies of the twenties century. As Lightbown (1985) said,英语毕业论文,thissubject was started from two articles. One is “The Significance of Learner's Errors”(S.P.Corder, 1967) while the other one is “Interlanguage”(Selinker, 1972).During the 1950s, as the development of the computer science, especially the artificialintelligence's occurring, psychology, linguistics and philosophy of mind were struck a lot.It leaded to the vigorous development of cognitive science. From 1980s up till now,mentalrepresentation, mental process and acquisition have already become the central topic ofcognitive science. In 1980s, the research of second language acquisition became anindependent subject gradually. Ells (1994) generalized the development of SLA. In hisopinion, the scope of the research became wider and wider, from the grammar to theapplication. The researchers paid more attention to theories about linguistics. Ells’summary about the area gives us a clear developing clue.
Theorizing about SLA belonged mainly to the domain of language pedagogy,but wasalso influenced by the behaviorist paradigm in the field of psychology. Behavioralpsychology believes that study is a process formed by actions. It gave birth to astimulus-response theory. One well-known linguist who applied the behaviourist theory tothe study of language was Leonard Bloomfield. This view of l
