Chapter 1 Introduction引言
1.1 Research Background探讨背景
With the development of Chinese Education reform, with the boosting of education for all-rounddevelopment, most teachers are seeking for appropriate teaching methods that are effective to improveEnglish teaching in middle schools. As a result, affective teaching method emerges. Affective teaching hasbeen paid more and more attention. But not all the English teachers value much affective teaching thatplays an important role in junior middle school teaching. Traditionally, the main tasks of the languageteachers are to teach language knowledge, to train various skills, and to develop students’ intelligence.Teachers often ignore the importance of affective factors. And consequently, students don’t get theirdevelopment in affective education. Instead, they often show lots of negative emotions such as, nervous,anxiety, fear of English learning. These negative motions hinder students’ harmonious developmentphysically and mentally.Motivation concerns the direction and significance of human behavior, that is: 1) the choice of aparticular action; 2) the effort expanded on it; and 3) the persistence with it. It is one of the most importantfactors in affection and Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Most people agree that learning is most likelyto occur when people are motivated to learn (Williams & Burden, 1997). Personality is one of the mostimportant sets of affect variables relevant to success in second language 2 learning. In the eyes of manyforeign language teachers, the personality of their students constitutes a major factor contributing to successor failure in language learning. Learners also consider personality factors to be important (Rod Ellis1994:517). One of the most influential definitions of attitude is provided by Allport (1935), who describesattitude as a mental and neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive ordynamic influence on the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related. Thisdefinition suggests that an individual’s experiences create a state of mind which significantly influencesbehavior in response to stimuli. Attitude also plays a very important role in language learning, as it mayinfluence students’ success or failure in their learning. Baker (1992) claims that successful learners tend toacquire positive attitudes toward the target language. Anxiety is a subjective feeling of tension,apprehension, nervousness, and worry associated with an arousal of the autonomic nervous system.William & Burden (1997) point out that anxiety is “a highly situation specific and itself affected by anumber of other factors”. Anxiety (its presence or absence) is best seen not as a necessary condition ofsuccessful L2 learning, but rather as a factor that contributes in different degrees on different learners (Ellis1994: 483).In Affective Filter Hypothesis put forward by Krashen (1982), low motivation, low self-value, andlow anxiety can combine to “raise” the affective filter and form a “mental block” that preventscomprehensible input from being used for acquisition. In other words, if the filter is up, language input isprevented from passing through, which cannot reach the Language Acquisition Device. If the filter i,英语毕业论文