Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
English writing is an important skill of the Second Language Acquisition. It not onlycan consolidate the knowledge, but also is a tool of communication. The New EnglishCurriculum Standards was issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2017. As whatis clearly pointed out in the English Curriculum Criterion for the high school English,fostering the learners’ writing proficiency is one of the goals of English teaching. Thecurrent English Curriculum Criterion for the high school English teaching includes therequirements for writing as one of the objectives of the language competence students mustobtain. The total objective requirements of senior high school English teaching are asfollowings: to stimulate and develop students’ interests in English learning so that studentscan establish self-confidence; to make good study habits and form effective learningstrategies; to develop independent learning abilities and cooperation spirits; to enablestudents to master some basic knowledge of English listening, speaking, reading andwriting skills; to form certain abilities to use integrated languages, especially reinforcingthe proficiency of English writing training. So they can communicate through spokenEnglish and written English in their future education and social interactions. Therefore,English writing, as one of students’ output skills and a way of communication plays a veryimportant role in English teaching and learning. However, in practice, the English writingability of most of the students is not up to standard. Their writing productions tend to existthe following problems: limited vocabulary; poor grammatical knowledge; uncompleted ordull sentence patterns; substandard format. Besides, many teachers pay too much attentionto the reading and grammar, and ignore the importance of writing. Thus, students’ writingproficiency is at a low level, and gradually, they will lose the interest in English writing.
1.2 The purpose and significance of the research
It is very important for English teachers and learners to apply the memetics theory tothe research of imitation in writing from the analysis and exploration above. Englishwriting teaching is lack of attention by researchers in China nowadays, the English writingteaching in senior high school is the most of all. Actually, the imitation writing has alreadybeen applied in English teaching unconsciously, however, it needs to be improved andperfect so that it can fully function. Particularly, in the past few years, the reform which isaffected by Cognitivism and Constructivism, leaded to neglect the memorization andimitation. Under this circumstance, based on memetics theory, the significance of imitationin the English writing teaching is being reconsidered. Since 2017, some papers aboutmemetics theory have been put forward. Most of them are mainly introduce memeticstheory and give advices on the English teaching theoretically. Fewer papers concentrate onthe empirical study on English writing teaching, and much fewer on English writingteaching in senior high school. So, in this study, which is on English writing teaching insenior high school based on memetics theory, texts are to set as models. The students willmake the best of the texts, and accumulate language materials that they understand how touse.