Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
In recent years, more and more language teachers and researchers pay moreattention to the function of lexical-chunk in the second language acquisition or therole in foreign language acquisition (Lian Jie, 2017 ; Yang Yuchen, 1999). The studyof lexical-chunk can be traced back to the middle of the 19th century. Domestic andforeign scholars used different terms from different fields to study the characteristicsof lexical-chunk. The study found that no matter in written or oral form, lexical-chunkis everywhere (Altenberg, 1991; Yang Yuchen, 1999). Lexical-chunk can helplanguage learners to communicate more effectively and to strengthen the learners' oralEnglish and the written language fluency and accuracy (Pawley & Syder, 1983;Nattinger and DeCarrico l992; Lewis, 1993; Luo Fengwen, Liang Xingli, 2017; DingYanren, Qi Yan, 2017). The study also shows that learners often use lexical-chunk toderive grammar rules in the second language acquisition and foreign languageacquisition.(Wlray, 2017; Nattinger and Decarrico, 1992; Lewis, 1 993). Based onthe important role of lexical-chunk in language acquisition, it is meaningful to teachEnglish writing through lexical-chunk. However, the current lexical-chunk research ismainly theoretical study and there are less empirical researches with Chinese Englishlearners as the object, especially the high school students. In view of this situation, theauthor mainly uses Nattinger and Decarrico' s classification theory of lexical-chunksadopts comparative analysis and integrates quantitative and qualitative study toexplore the operating characteristics of lexical-chunk in high school English writing.The lexical-chunk approach has offered a promising new direction for languageteaching (Nattinger & DeCarrico 2017), and is also considered as one of effective methods in teaching English writing.
1.2 Organization of the Research
Chapter 1 is a brief introduction of thebackground and the significance of the study. Chapter 2 presents a literature review inthis study, including the approaches of teaching English writing and comments oncurrent studies about English writing. Chapter 3 talks about the theoretical framework,which begins with an overview of lexical-chunk, including definition, classification,the studies of lexical-chunk at home. After that, it describes the current theoreticalfindings about lexical-chunk approach, and finally discusses the relationship betweenlexical-chunk and language learning and teaching. Chapter 4 is the methodology of thestudy, which introduces hypothesis, subjects, instruments and the procedure of theexperiment. Chapter 5 is about the analysis of the research results and discussion aboutthe results. Chapter 6 comes to the conclusion, including major findings of the research,limitations of the research and suggestions for the future research.
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 The Early Study of Writing Teaching
Before the 1970 s, western writing teaching is mainly the study of rhetoricapproach, with the model essay writing form as a rule to express opinions and ideas inwriting. Qi Shouhua (2017) pointed out that the western writing theory was basedon western rhetoric. Its philosophy foundation is the result of classical rhetoric. FromAristotle's Rhetoric to the modern west rhetoric, the scope of r,英语论文题目,英语论文范文