
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research
社会信息化和经济全球化的发展,英语的重要性日益突出。作为最重要的信息载体之一,英语在几个领域中被广泛使用。最近,每一个公民的外语素质的要求更高。根据新高中英语课程标准,“外语教学在高中是一个重要的过程,促进公民的外国语言质量。一方面,它需要,以满足学生的心理和情感的发展和高中毕业生的就业需求,入口和未来的生存。另一方面,它需要培养英语人才,为国家的经济建设和科学技术的发展,以满足需求。因此,在高中外语教学多的人文和社会意义。“By the development of the social informationlization and economic globalization, theimportance of the English is increasingly prominent. As one of the most important informationcarrier, English is widely used in several fields. Recently, the foreign language quality of everycitizen is required higher. According to the new criteria of English curriculum of senior school,“foreign language teaching in high school is an important process to foster citizen’s foreignlanguage quality. On the one hand , it is required to meet the needs of the students’ mental andemotional development and the needs of the high school graduates’ employment, entrance andfuture survival. On the other hand, it is required to satisfy the demands to foster English talentsfor the country’s economic construction and the development of science and technology. So, theforeign language teaching in high school has multiple humanistic and social significance.”
自改革开放以来,在我国英语教学的规模正在变得越来越大,很多成功的实现。然而,当前的情况无法适应我国经济建设和社会发展的需要。据反映,在英语教学中的语法和词汇的解释是太多的关注,但被忽视学生的实际语言应用能力的培训。总之,作为一种通信工具,英语不能进行通信的功能。虽然,新的英语课程标准明确指出,高级英语课程,英语论文,根据学生的综合语言应用能力的培训,目的是提高学生获取信息,处理信息,略论问题和解决问题的能力,它着重于提高学生'英语思考和表达能力。虽然最高级的英语学校英语口语“专业当前没有交付,学生练习英语口语课堂教学中。教师教英语口语随机。此外,高考已没有设立口语测试。高级学生的口语表达能力一般是入口的压力比别人差。同样,高级英语口语教学是英语教学中的弱点。Since reform and opening up, the scale of English teaching in our country is becominglarger, much success is achieved. However, the present situation can’t adapt to the need of ourcountry’s economic construction and social development. It is reflected that the explanation ofgrammar and vocabulary in English teaching is taken too much attention, but the training of thestudents’ practical ability to use language is neglected. In short, as a communication tool,English can not perform communication function well. Even though, the new criteria of Englishcurriculum clearly stated that senior English course, based on the training of students’integrated language skills, aims to improve students ability to get information, processinformation, analyze and solve questions, it focuses on improving students’ ability to think andexpress in English. While most senior English schools haven’t delivered spoken English courseat present, the students practice oral English in classroom teaching. Teachers teach oral Englishrandomly. Besides, the college entrance examination hasn’t set up oral tests. Senior students’oral ability is generally poorer than others with the pressure of entrance. Equally, senior oralEnglish teaching is to be weakness in the English teaching.

1.1.2 Question Raised
Most studies on the college students’ oral English teaching show that the reason of theirpoor oral ability is closed to oral learning in high school. It is reported that students never acceptspecial oral training in high school, and a few students’ oral ability can’t reach the level ofspeaking in the new criteria of English curriculum. But the author is strongly conscious thatsenior oral English teaching is in a dilemma. Most teachers realized the importance of oralEnglish, but because of the pressure of the college entrance examination, they have to ignorestudents’ oral training. In this situation,,英语毕业论文
