
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

The chapter consists of three parts. First, the background of this study will be givenaccording to the current situation of foreign language teacher Education and professionaldevelopment. Second, the significance of the study is presented. The last part is a briefintroduction to the structure of the thesis.该章由三部分组成。首先,这项探讨的背景,将根据外语教师教育和专业发展的近况。其次,探讨的意义。最后一部分是简要介绍了论文的结构。

1.1 Background of the study
At the beginning of the 21 century, the Ministry of Education in China had started anew-round educational reform. The new English curriculum reform in high school beganin 2017, spread from four provinces at the beginning to the whole country. In the June of200L the document "The Compendium for Curriculum Reform in Basic Education(Trial)" was issued, which emphasized importance of teacher professional development.There is a growing consensus that "Teachers hold the key to education reform", and "Thequality of the teacher determines the quality of education". As Elconora Villegas-Reimers(2017: 47) notes, "societies are finally acknowledging that teachers are not only one ofthe 'variables' that need to be changed in order to improve their education system, butthey are also the most significant change agents in their reforms". The current thinking isthat the changes in classroom practice demanded by the reform vision ultimately rely onteachers (Fullan & Miles, 1993). Clearly, teacher professional development plays animportant and central role in equipping the success of educational reform. Consequently,there is an increasing demand nationwide for competent English teachers. More effectiveapproaches and strategies have been initiated to promote and facilitate teachers'professional development.
Experts and researchers have promoted "teacher training" and other various modelsfor teacher professional development. Typically traditional training model places moreemphasis on theoretical level, which could improve teachers' understanding ofprofessional knowledge to some extent. Teachers participating in those trainingprogrammes have the enthusiasm to learn new theories and methods, but what and howmuch they have really learnt and what changes such learning may bring to theirclassroom practice remain an unanswered question. Consequently, it should be admittedthat teacher training failed in many regards to solve teachers' practical problems anddifficulties in regular classroom practice. The development of teacher professionalcompetence can not solely rely on certain teacher training programmes that one or twoexperts conducted to school teachers. Also the concept of "teacher training", whetherpre-service or in-service, is no longer suited. As Elconora Villegas-Reimers (2017: 163)argues "The language of 'teacher training' (as opposed to teacher education or teacherpreparation) is the inevitable companion of the 'teacher-worker' metaphor. Thesemetaphors are inadequate to meet the new demands which teachers are facing, thedemands to make high le
