
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Origin of the study
As research on second language writing has increasingly grown mature, a widevariety of studies on feedback have appeared not only abroad, but also at home.Feedback to the students' work both from the teachers and from the students is greatlypopular. These studies on feedback have ranged from discourse analytic studies of thenature and effects of peer response and teacher feedback (Carson & Nelson, 1996;Ferris, 1997), to surveys of student opinion about feedback (Ferris, 1995a; Kepner,1991).English writing is a reflection on the ability of students' thinking and language,and is also one of the most important language skills. But compared with other skills,英语毕业论文英语论文,English writing is not always students' strength. For students, it is a long way to go tomeet the College English Curriculum Requirements by Ministry of Education in 2017.According to an investigation conducted by Cai Huiping and Fang Yan (2017), thereare obviously three aspects of problems in students' writing: first, their vocabulary issmall; second, they have no idea about the different requirements of text structuresand contents for different genres; third, they can not think in English way. Whenstudents are writing, they often just do a translation job. This kind of Chinglishwriting makes it difficult for readers to understand what they really want to expressbetween the lines. According Wen Qiufang and Liu Runqing's (2017) analysis, lack ofgood examples, incoherence and inexact inference are students' main problems inargumentative writing.

1.2 Significance and necessity of the study
In the study of all kinds of feedbacks,the researchers' main purpose is to exploredifferent feedback modes and feedback methods, so as to enhance the quality ofteacher's feedback and the students' ability to evaluate the writing of their peers ortheir own writing, and finally improve the efficiency of writing teaching.As an English teacher who has instructed college English for more than sevenyears, the author of the paper finds that the effectiveness of writing teaching isdissatisfied. Because the classes in China are usually big, which brings teachers a lotof burden to comment students' compositions ; correcting students' writing istime-consuming ; and there was no rapid employment of teachers to match the rise ofnumber of students. Consequently, it is impossible for the teacher to give immediate,complex and clear comments on each student's writings, and students' writing couldnot be improved. But if students can give comments and response for each other onEnglish writing, to some extent it will decrease the burden of teachers.Feedback is an essential part of every learning process,which supplies studentswith the information on their performance and learning progress. So it is veryimportant for them to know which feedback types lead to more effective learning.Even though many studies in LI and L2 context offered valuable ideas about theeffects of teacher feedback and peer feedback on students' writing, their findings onfeedback are inconsistent. Some studies on teacher evaluations have found thatdifferent types of teacher feedback had little impact on students' following writing ineither LI writing or L2 writing, while some studies showed that teacher feedback didimprove students' writing.
