
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
As one of the essential approaches of acquiring foreign language, listening is not onlybeneficial to promoting overall improvement of students’ English comprehensive ability, butalso advantageous to fostering students’ other skills to a higher level. As a result, the importanceof listening comprehension has become wide attraction for a great number of researchers.For most vocational students of non-English majors, poor listening comprehension hashindered their effective learning processes as well as their language learning interest. Intraditional class, they just follow their teachers’ step. It is their teachers who decide what tolisten to and how to listen to. Generally speaking, vocational students play a quite passive rolein such listening environment. Students are not able to learn at their own pace in such listeningenvironment. Hard as teacher tries, it is practically impossible for them to strike a good balanceamong all the students at different levels. On the other hand, students’ affective filter iscomparatively high in the classroom learning. In the teacher-centered classroom, vocationalstudents of non-English majors are not highly motivated. Students are more or less anxiouswhile listening because they will be asked about the information concerning the listeningmaterials. Within such pressure imposed on them, students get tired easily and the majority ofthem cannot concentrate their attention on listening materials.As we all know, practicing plays a key role in listening learning. The practicing oflistening learning is only limited in the classroom (sometimes due to certain objective reasons,the rare classroom time can’t be ensured to achieve). In fact, according to the research, it onlytakes 5% of the student’s total time of English learning, which requires the students to use moreextra-curricular time to increase the chance of practicing listening for the purpose that theirlistening ability achieves a higher level. As a result, autonomous listening learning reflectsparticularly importance, which has drawn more and more attention as well.

1.2 Significance of the Study
The purpose of the study is to improve the quality of the students’ listening comprehension.On the other hand, this study can explore the students’ web-based autonomous learning ability oflistening learning.As we all know, as one of the important approaches for inputting a large amount ofinformation, listening has been placed on great importance by many researchers. If the learnercannot acquire the accurate understanding for the inputted information, he will not integrate theinputted information into their language system, which shows that listening is the vital andforemost step in the process of learning English. Although we regard the listening as the basicskill, which is complex and dynamic, brings great difficulties to both learners and researchers.Besides, due to certain subjective and objective reasons, achieving a higher listening levelrequires students to practice it on their own initiative.Nowadays, with the improvement of the computer technology and the advent of foreign language teaching software, students’ autonomous environment has been made obviousimprovement. For this reason, it provides author with a brand-new vision to testify whetherweb-based autonomous liste,英语论文英语论文题目
