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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
Language attitude called language view is the way people treating the use valueof language, which includes the position, function and prospects of language.Language attitude is one part of and the specific form of cultural concept (DaiQingxia, 1993).Language attitude is a very complex social and psychologicalphenomenon and an organic combination which is composed of cognitive emotion,behavior tendency, and other factors (Wang Yuanxin, 2017).China English can be seen in many situations in China today. Such as the textsin China Daily, the programs in CCTV9, the government reports, trade negotiationand foreigner reception. There is also one phenomenon: people often confuse ChinaEnglish and Chinese English in so many situations. In academic circle, scholars havediscussed much about the existing reasons of China English, the distinction betweenChina English and Chinese English, the definition and criteria of China English. The previous researches on language attitudes largely focus on the comparisonof English, Putonghua and dialects, which emphasize the choice of language inspecific two or more languages. From the point of view of language or dialect type,1/3 papers about the minority’s attitudes towards their national language and Chinese,and another 1 /3 papers focus on language use and language attitude of residents inBeijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and other big cities or district. 1 /3papers discuss language attitude of Chinese residents in other places or institutionstowards Putonghua and their dialects.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
China English is increasingly important in the publicity of China, and acceptedin the outsider world. At present, however, people in inner China still are confusedabout the concepts of China English and Chinese English. The attitude to ChinaEnglish is very obscure and uncertain.Language attitude is percept in three aspects: affective attitude, cognitiveattitude and behavioral attitude. The current paper tries to find out college students’language attitude to China English .What about the degree of acceptance of ChinaEnglish in affective, cognitive and behavioral aspects? How social influencingvariables influence these aspects?The study of language attitude to China English will be helpful in the spread ofit. It can avail to clarify China English and Chinese English and make the best use ofthe current data to provide some suggestions in the spread and propagation of ChinaEnglish.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Previous Research to China English
China English can be seen in many situations in China today. ChinaEnglish is the nativization of English in China, which is different from the deformedand ungrammatical Chinese English. China English takes normative English as thecore to express the unique Chinese things. By the means of Chinese borrowings,translation, literal translation and regeneration entering communication, its Chinesefeatures are easy to find at phonological, lexical, syntactic and discourse levels. Wang Rongpei, first distinguishes China English from the mistakes made byChinese convention and thinking mode, and illustrates the existence of China Englishand lays the theoretical foundation of this su,英语毕业论文英语毕业论文
