Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
International communication is going to be an important trend in the world whenthe globalization is going through all over the world today, especially in the languagefield. As we all know,the foreign language teaching is picked as the primaryEducational enterprises which is one of the largest in the world. There are more thanmillions of people who work on managing a foreign language by contributing most oftheir time in the daily life. English is a best-known language which is chosen as theinternational language. How the English works in China is an issue which attracts theattention all over the world since China's great population. We get to say that it is agreat challenge for Chinese international communication.
On the other hand, it is sucha fast speed of the growing demands for effectiveness of education. Also,so manyresources are needed to collect. Therefore, English education is a particularemergency for China, in which the college English education is the first one to beaffected.
It has been several years since China's College English teaching was constructedfollowing the guidance of the College English Teaching Syllabus. The CollegeEnglish Teaching Syllabus is an official document. It covers the objectives, teachingmethods, Assessment and teaching administration which are working in collegeEnglish. They also provide a regular four-year undergraduate program for mostcolleges and universities. The one-size-fits-all approach is an example which gives allstudents a general language course. This kind of course lacks certain purposes tomatch different needs of adult learners. In this case, the English training market isoverheated but there are so many complaints about the college English. It is obviousthat a reflection from college English education is of great importance. It is not enough to get the needs of college English learners from the one-size-fits-all collegeEnglish education. Therefore, it is necessary and urgent to design the English courseswhich are able to meet the needs of college English learners.
With increased interest in learning-centered and 1 earner-centered approaches,they have been regarded as essential approaches to effective learning and teaching anda vital consideration in curriculum development to explore learners' needs (Nunan,1988b). Since 1980s when needs analysis was famous in the English for specificpurposes, it has been affected and led a direction in the following three aspects:curriculum development, implementation and evaluation. Needs analysis has alsobeen utilized in the English for general purposes education when its focus shifts fromidentification of learners' linguistic needs to that of learning needs (Hutchinson &Waters, 1987).
When the needs analysis is used in the field of TEFL,a lot of work has beendone. However,英语毕业论文,most studies mainly focus on the ESP curriculum, and only fewresearches work on EGP curriculum. Also in the course content or material, andlearning needs, there is much difference between them. More attention is paid on theformer and only little on the latter.
1.2 Purpose and Importance of the Study
In 2017 the M