
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose for the Present Study
For decades, language teachers and researchers have implemented a great numberof studies on teacher feedback. However, due to the different research parameters indesign, the findings of these studies are inconclusive, which makes it unrealistic to putthe findings of teacher feedback into Chinese English writing teaching practice.Generally speaking, teacher feedback in writing is a time-consuming task. Chinesecollege students take a positive attitude towards teacher feedback of their compositions,yet the errors in their essays keep on repeating themselves. The present study attemptsto cast light on the paradoxical viewpoints of both teachers and students towards teacherfeedback in English writing teaching in China.Traditional Chinese writing classes commonly consist of writing assignment, errorcorrection and the teachers' explanation about grammatical rules, syntactic structures,and other form-focused knowledge. Generally speaking, at the beginning of a writingclass, the students may receive instructions in writing. Then the teacher will assign awriting task on a topic, in the form of either one paragraph or a composition. Eachwriting assignment may focus on certain aspects of language use in accordance withcurriculum design. After that, the teacher provides error feedback, usually by indirectcorrection underlining the errors, sometimes with the error codes. In the next writingsection,the commonly committed errors and serious mistakes are interpreted throughpublic teacher-student interaction. During the whole process, is teacher feedback reallyeffective?Error correction plays a crucial role in the theory and practice of writing instructionand usually cost teachers a lot of time and effort. English teachers in China “suffer”from the “ tedious and unrewarding chore" of revising students' essays (Hyland, 1998).Under most circumstances, to do teacher feedback, firstly, the teacher needs to identifythe errors, then underline the errors or offer codes一it is exceedingly time-consuming. Itis commonly accepted that it is necessary to do error correction because the learners willdevelop writing proficiency through teacher feedback. However, is this practice worththeir time and effort?
Previous researches on students' opinions about feedback has consistently shownthat students treasure teacher feedback and attach much greater importance to teacherfeedback than other forms of feedback, such as audio feedback, peer evaluation, andself-evaluation (Leki, 1991; Yang, 1996; Yang, Badger, & Yu, 2017). Most surveys ofstudent pReferences show that students are particularly positive about receiving feedbackon language issues, although they also want teachers to comment on content and ideasof their writing (Leki, 1991; Lizotte 2017). As L2 students pay much attention toaccuracy in their writing, they are eager to have all their errors pointed out by theteacher (Leki, 1991; Lee, 2017). Studies by
