
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background
The word “meme” is first proposed by the famous zoologist and behavioralecologist-Clinton Richard Darkins(1976) in his book The Selfish Gene, Since 1976,英语论文,memetics has been focused on by more and more scholars,then the research work aboutmeme has started to pick up steam at home and abroad. Memetics have been widely spreadand gradually go deeper into the realms of psychology, sociology, culturology,philosophy,linguistics and so on,which provide us a new way of exposing many social and culturalphenomena. For the present research situation inland, there are already The Selfish Gene andThe Meme Machine translated respectively by Lu Yun and Gao Shenchun. Besides, somearticles which are mainly about the analysis on society,culture and language at a differentangel have been published successively by domestic scholars. But the man, who firstlyintroduced "Memetics" into the field of translation is Chesterman, who proposed translationmemetics. It can make the scholars research the translation from the perspective ofmemetics.During recent ten years,meme is considered as a hot topic in the field of pragmatics.Relavent researches about meme are stressed in the west. Even if some Chinese scholars arelate in researching the meme,they have been laying an emphasis on it. However, there are asmall quantity of researches on English advertising language, and the researches areconfined to the view of rhetoric, vocabulary and grammar, including Cui Gang's AdvertisingEnglish (1993), Zhang Jian's Preliminary Exploration on Style Features of AdvertisingEnhlish (1995),英语论文,Shi Ping's On the Language Features of Advertising English (1997),etc.

1.2 Research Significance
With the rapid development of economy,advertising slogan plays a more and moreimportant role in people's life. In order to propagandize the advertising slogan effectively,translators should make great effort to employ appropriate methods to make the version beaccepted easily so as to improve the persuasion of advertising and attract consumers'attention, stimulating consumers' desire to purchase and then realize the successfulpromotion of the product.Based on the translation memetics and the life cycle of memetics, this paperestablishes the memetic model for advertising slogan translation process and analyzes theprocess of translation in detail, offering the new perspective to research the domesticationand foreignization in translating advertising slogan. This article aims at discussing from twoaspects in the content and form in order to offer the overwhelming majority of consumers abetter translation of advertisement slogan. The way of analyzing advertising slogan will bepreferable for consumers to better understand such advertising slogan and provides a positiveReference for creating advertising slogan memes. What's more,it will make contributions torealizing the ideal situation of win-win in propagandizing the product and meeting thedemands of consumers to the product. In addition, it would be beneficial for the translator totranslate advertising slogan and transmit the corporate culture better to improve the corporateimage .

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 English Advertising Slogan
The slogan refers to simple and concise sentenc
