
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

1. Introduction

1.1 Motive of the Study
More and more liguists and scholars began to study the advertising, however linguistsand scholars mostly study advertising from the aspect of functional grammar, persomalfunction, relevance theory, sociology and translation between Chinese and English. Study on nutritional foods advertising English from the aspect of critical discourse analysis (CDA) isfew. Through researching some nutritional foods advertising, this thesis tries to analyzenutritional foods advertising English of collected materials from the aspect of CDA. It aims toreveal the ideology of the advertisers and producers hidden from the advertising language toillusrate how nutritional foods advertising English influences, persuades and misleads theconsumers to buy the products through the English advertising language. This analysis aimsto improve the customers’ consciousness and sensitivity of nutritional foods advertisingEnglish and then help the customers read the advertisements critically in order to avoidmisleading and strengthen their awareness of resisting the control of the public discourse. Italso attempts to draw customers’ attention to the relationships between the language andreality, the connection between language use and unfair social power relations.

1.2 Significance of the Study
As the progress of society and the development of economy, there are more and morepeople under the great pressure, the people’s living standards improve a lot and people takemore and more care about their own health, nutritional foods regulates the fuction of human’sbody, then people pay more and more attention on the nutritional foods and tend to buy them.So the nutritional foods stepped into ordinary people’s lives. People range from old to youngwould like to spend much time, energy and money on nutritional foods in order to keephealthy and be energetic, then people can live better and work more effective. However, themain source that people get the information of nutritional foods is advertisemets. So theadvertisements attract more and more people, mostly through their language before peoplebuy them. And it is very necessary and useful to investigate nutritional foods advertisingarticles. According to previous study, this thesis analyzes the collected nutritional foodsadvertising English from the aspect of CDA and shows how nutritional foods advertisingEnglish influences, misleads and persuades consumers through ideology.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Studies of Advertising
Nowadays, no matter where we go, we can see advertising, such as on TV, newspaper,magazines, Internet, books, radios. We can see it almost everywhere. It greatly influences ourdaily life and is very important and closely related to our life. According to Webster Dictionary defined advertising as the been told form on thepurpose of strengthening to sale goods, transmitting some kinds of doctrine or information,calling together to attend all kinds of parties and assenblies through direct to indirect ways.According to Longman Dictionary of Contemprary English, advertisement means a picture,set of words, or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy a product or use aservice. Advertising means the activity or business of advertising things,英语论文范文英语论文题目
