
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Motivation of the Present Study
The thesis mainly focuses on economy of advertising, for economy is animportant aspect of advertisement. Lengthy and interminable words will makecustomers bored,and will not leave a deep impression to customers. Currentresearches in the field of economy are more concentrated in the superficial level of tobe concise and save the effort of both sides of the communication process, while theresearch of economy of advertising from the perspective of textual pragmatics isseldom, so this paper aims to do the research based Leech's textual pragmatics. Thisthesis shows the economic features of advertisement through the example analysis,and hope to provide some guidance for further study.The target of this study, the Pragmatic Economy of advertisement, is a linguistictopic with practical significance. First, we should find situation of PragmaticEconomy in these examples of our investigation, so as to realize their goals, and tosolve some practical problems of English advertising.It has proved that pragmatic failure sometimes will exert much more serious andnegative effects on the communication effect of advertisement. Therefore, the authorintends to examine different types of successful advertisement examples to analyzeand attempts to apply pragmatic approaches to them. The research aims at discoveringsome tentative strategies of advertising language, understanding pragmatic factors inEnglish advertising language, and accomplishing a higher level on the realization ofPragmatic Economy.

1.2 Research Questions
This thesis will analyze the pragmatic economy of advertising language based onthe studies of the development of economy principle in Pragmatic field and Leech'stextual pragmatics. This thesis aims at answering the following questions:
(1) What are the means of Pragmatic Economy in English advertising languageof this thesis?
(2) How does advertising English achieve Pragmatic Economy at different levelsof the advertising language?
From the research on the above questions,英语论文英语论文题目,the present study is expected toachieve an academic result in both theoretical and practical aspects. It not onlyenriches the studies on advertising language and the economy principle but alsoprovides guidance on how to write effective English advertisement.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1An Overview of Advertising
Advertising originated in the seventeenth century of Great Britain, and in that timeBritish were in a tremendous prosperity both in commerce and trade. Soadvertisements came into being quite sensibly and naturally, and in turn the researcheson advertising language were prosperous. And from that time on, numerous scholarshave studied on the research of advertising. It has got scholars' attention since the advent of advertising. Many scholars havestudied and attempt to give tentative definitions about it. The English word‘advertising’ is traceable to the Latin word ‘advertere’,which means “a means used todraw attention from the public to something and lead them to some direction". Harrisand Seldon (1962:40) once gave a definition about advertising "designed to spreadinformation with a view to promoting the sales of marketable goods and services".T
