
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

   本文采用定性、定量,并以定量为主的探讨措施。文章对所收集的语料,即不同体裁的英汉广告语篇,进行统计略论,归纳数据,进行推断,并通过推断来验证己有的假设。然后文章将对所得出的推断进行略论,作出解释。    本文所搜集的语料分别取自New York Times, News Week,人民日报和羊城晚报,并采用三种体裁的广告:证言式广告,描述性广告,和解释性广告(李中行)。为了确保该对比探讨的可信性,文章所选用的英汉各30篇语篇都具有相同或相似的主题。
Abstract:The aim of this study is to compare/contrast advertising text written in bothEnglish and Chinese in terms of Theme and Rheme structure. The motivation forusing the Theme/Rheme structure to analyze advertising texts in the two languagesis two-fold. First of all, while there exists a multitude of comparative studiesbetween the two languages, very little analysis has been carried out in thecomparison of advertising texts between the two languages. Secondly, thematicconsiderations allow the analyst to highlight areas of textual organization in asystematic way for purposes of comparison.    Fries first proposes that there is some interrelation between theme and genre,and puts forward three hypothesis. Based on Fries' hypotheses and the fact that thisis a contrastive stu勿,the hypotheses of this thesis are as follows: Are theresimilarities between the Chinese and English advertisement texts corpora withregard to Theme/Rheme choices and thematic patterning?
   This thesis compares and contrasts English and Chinese advertisement texts interms of theme from three perspectives, that is, the three Metafunctions (Ideational,interpersonal, and textual metafunction) proposed by Halliday. Through the analysis,it shows overall similarity between English and Chinese advertisement in its choiceof theme and TP patterns,interrelationshipbarring certainatical constraints. This proves thereis closebetween thematic choice and choice of TP patterns andgenre, and thus testifies the hypothesis of Fries.
     The corpus for this study consists of 60 texts: 30 from three kinds ofadvertising in English, and 30 from three corresponding kinds of advertising inChinese. In order to guarantee the validity of this comparative study, the Chineseand English texts chosen in this study are of the same or similar topic.
Key words: Genre analysis   Thematic structure Advertisement texts

Chapter One Introduction
Chapter 2 Theoretical Background
Chapter 3 Transitivity and Theme/Rheme
Chapter 4 Thematic Patterning.
Chapter 5 The Interpersonal Metafunction and Theme/Rheme
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Implications.
