
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 General Research Background
With the rapid growth of China’s economy and our increasing communication withthe world, more business English talents are needed. Business English major has been oneof the most popular majors in Higher Vocational Colleges. Belonging to English forSpecific Purposes (ESP), Business English not only requires its learners have the languageability but also speak fluent Business Oral English. However, the students’ BOEproficiency is far from satisfactory at present. Many students have mastered necessarybusiness knowledge and the writing skills of business correspondence, while they areunable to communicate with good speaking English. Business Oral English lessons needthe learners master the skills of English pronunciation as well as to cultivate the studentsto obtain accurate and fluent oral English to deal with foreign-related business. To gain afoothold in the market competition, Higher Vocational Colleges must change itspersonnel-training mode towards a stronger comprehensive direction. Hence, theimprovement of the BE major students’ Business Spoken English in HVC can not beignored.However, the teaching of Business Oral English is not fully up to expectation as well.At present, most BE teachers remain playing a dominant role, while the learners whoaccept the lessons passively always have few opportunities for speaking English. Theteaching method used by most business English teachers is still traditional PPP model(Presentation, Practice and Production), which is characterized as teacher-centered andstudents’ learning-passively.

1.2 Purpose of the Study
Follow our predecessors’ steps, the author is also eager to seek a more efficientteaching model and apply it into Business Oral English teaching. After investigating manystudies on the practice of Task-based Teaching Approach (TBTA) and Goal Tree Method(GTM) in the Business Oral English lesson, the author tries to combine the two methodsinto a new one –Goal-oriented Task-based Approach (GOTBA).The study is undertaken to study the effectiveness of applying Goal-orientedTask-based Approach (GOTBA) to the Teaching of Business Oral English (BOE) lesson inHVC. The goals-oriented tasks arranged in Business Oral English class are to arousestudents’ learning motivation and help them develop an effective learning way so toimprove their BOE proficiency.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 A General Review of BE and BOE
It is rather difficult to define Business English in uniform. Pickett (1986:5) regardedBE as a “mediating language between the technicalities of particular businesses… and thelanguage of the general public”. BE is most often seen as a branch of English for SpecialPurposes (ESP) because “it shares the important elements of needs analysis, syllabusdesign, course design, and materials selection and development which are common to allfields of work in ESP” (Ellis & Johnson, 1994:3). Tian (2017:8) defined Business Englishfrom language, content as well as communication perspectives: “Business English iscertainly language: vocabulary, grammar, functions, but also content: marketing ,英语论文范文英语论文,management, finance, laws, etc. In addition, it is communication skills: telephoning,correspondence, meetings, presentations, etc
