
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Review of Relevant Study on Extensive Reading in Business English Classroom

1.1. The Theoretical Studies of TBLT
Based on other’s previous study, Jane Willis proposes a model and puts forwarda framework which includes pre-task, during task and post-task. And her frameworkhas been practiced and tried extensively until now.Rod Ellis tried two basic procedures which is participatory structure and lessondesign. His purpose is to use methodological procedures to carry out the TBLT in theclassroom and make opportunities to let learners acquire language and skills throughcollaborative knowledge building.At home, Xia Jimei and Wu Xudong recommended Task-based LanguageTeaching method to China in 1990s. When it was first introduced, it aroused generalconcern in English teaching in China and more and more scholars began to studyTBLT. To the theoretical background, Cai Lanzhen considered Task-based LanguageTeaching method involves second language acquisition theories. Feng Yufang (2017)thought TBLT was the development of Communicative Language Teaching Approach.To the concepts, characteristics and classification aspects, Jia Zhigao considered tasks as communicative activities containing information management. Xia Jimei thoughttasks are a process with definite aims or communivative activities. To theclassification aspects, Jia Zhigao introduced Nunan and Skehan’s opinions, FangWenli introduced Willis opinions. Gong Yafu and Luo Shaoqian even divide task intobroad and narrow parts. Maybe the most difficult part for implementing TBLT is howto design various tasks based on class content, how to monitor the carrying-outprocess, and how to assess the learners’ performing after finishing the tasks. Lu Ziwenconsidered that task designing should take teaching content, teaching materials anddesigning authentic pedagogical into consideration. Chen Kela thought people need todesign tasks under the assisting of multimedia technology. Jia Zhigao designed thecommunicative tasks in class according to Nunan’s principles and task-basedinstruction approach. Ding Wen argued that the process of implementing tasks shouldfollow from simple tasks to complex tasks, so teachers should adjust the difficult tasksaccording to the learners’ feedback. Xia Jimei proposed 3 standards for evaluatingtasks—chances, abilities and effects, and Luo Shaoqian advanced his evaluatingstandards.

1.2. Experimental Studies of TBLT
Task-Based Language Teaching attracts many teachers and scholars’ attention inthe language teaching processes. As far as the author knows, it was implemented tovarious classes through comparing the differences between controlled groups andexperimental groups. In China, there also have many scholars who tried to applyTBLT to true teaching sessions. Zhang Guiping applied Task-based LanguageTeaching approach to English learning for doctoral students, which proved that TBLTis effective. His experiment verifies that TBLT can strengthen doctoral students’communicating confidence, stir their learning passion and it can also improvestudents’ reading ability and writing ability. Cai Lanzheng proposed five proceduresfor implementing Task-based Language Teaching in College English learning. CaiLanzheng also studied applying TBLT to writing learning, in which he appliedWillis’s framework to writing teaching. Gu Zhizhong thought that we need toimplement Task-based Language Teaching a,英语论文题目英语论文
