
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Vague language in bad-news business English letters  
Many people hold such a belief that language should be used clearly and precisely. Hence, it is believed that vagueness should be avoided, so as to maintain smooth and successful communication. However, human communication is not quite such a case, no matter it is in written or spoken  form.  In  fact,  vague  language  is  widely  used  in  human communication. Vagueness is one of the important properties of natural language.  Language  which  "results  from  nature  and  human" (Wittgenstein,1953: 18) can not and need not be clear and precise all the time, especially in human communication.
According to Wittgenstein's (1953) statement, that our communication needs vague expressions on many  occasions may  originally sound somewhat bizarre. However, suppose that we could do away with all sorts of vague language, through some commonly accepted limitations, we could find our means of communication so pale and expression limited to such a degree that our interchange is paralyzed. Since the publication of Fuzzy Set by Zadeh in 1965, many linguists have been aroused to carry out systematic and descriptive researches on vague expressions. They all agree that vague language plays an important role in the process of human communication. According  to  Zhang  Qiao's(1998)  argument,  whether  one  can appropriately use vague language manifests one's language performance, because  vague  language  is  an  inseparable  part  of  language communication.

Bovee, C.L., Thill, J.V&Schatzman, B.E. Business Communication Essentials [M]. Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2017.
Brown, P. &Levinson, S. C. Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Burns, L.C. Vagueness:  

An Investigation into Natural Languages and the Sorties Paradox [M]. London: Kluwer Academic Press, 1991.
Channell, J. Vague Language[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Channell, J. hague language[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Teaching Press, 2017.
Crystal, D&Davy, D. Advanced Conversational English [M]. London: Longman, 1975.

Abstract 4-6
摘要 7-12
Introduction 12-18
Chapter One Literature Review 18-36
    1.1 Overview of Vague Language 18-30
        1.1.1 Different Definitions of Vague Language 18-20
        1.1.2 Sources of Vague Language 20-22
        1.1.3 Relations of Some Related Terms 22-26
        1.1.4 Review of Previous Studies of Vague Language 26-30
    1.2 Overview of Bad-News Business English Letters 30-36
        1.2.1 Nature of Bad-News Business English Letters 31-32
        1.2.2 Types of Bad-News Business English Letters 32-33
        1.2.3 Writing Strategies of Bad-News Business English Letters 33-34
        1.2.4 Previous Studies of Bad-,英语论文范文英语论文题目
