广东外语外贸大学 商务英语本科毕业论文(200届)[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

广东外语外贸大学 商务英语本科毕业论文(200届)

商务英语的语言特点及其翻译 Linguistic Features of Business Englishand Its Translation

论文题目Linguistic Features of Business Englishand Its Translation
论文题目 商务英语的语言特点及其翻译

继教(公开)学院 商务英语

Linguistic Features of Business Englishand Its Translation
Wu Benhu

Abstract: This thesis combines the stylistic features of business English with the study of business English translation with an aim to provide some practical help for translators in translating business English. Firstly, provides an overview of business English, including the definition, function and classification. This chapter points out that the most important function of business English is its vital role in communication. There are some necessary elements for effective business English communication are mentioned, i.e., clarity, conciseness, courtesy, completeness, correctness, cheerfulness and consideration. Then, the stylistic features of business English at lexical, syntactical and textual levels are analyzed. At lexical level, business English demonstrates the following characteristics: frequent use of technical words, abbreviation terms, compound adverbs and words from other languages. At syntactical level, sentence length, voices and sentence structure are analyzed. Textual analysis is carried out through the aspects of cohesion and coherence. The analysis of the stylistic features of business English will be the bases for the study of business English translation. Finally, the principles and techniques for business English translation mainly from the practical perspective with a large number of examples are coped with. This thesis proposes the specific principles of “Faithfulness”, “Exactness” and “Consistency”, which particularly satisfy the need of business English translation and standardize its translation. Some frequently employed techniques in business translation are probed into in this part, such as, choice of words, conversion and division, which can make business translation more effectively and accurately.

Key words: Linguistic features; business English; translation study


摘要: 本文将商务英语的文体特征略论语与翻译相结合,力图为商务英语译者们提供一些实际性的帮助。首先,进行了商务英语的概述,英语论文范文,包括商务英语的定义、功能和分类,指出商务英语的首要功能是其交际功能。同时,简要介绍了有效的商务英语交际应具备的特点:清楚、简明、礼貌、完整、正确、优雅和体谅。然后,从词汇、句法和篇章三个层次略论了商务英语的文体特征。从词汇层次上看,商务英语具有词义确切、专业词汇多、缩略语多以及大量借用外来词语的特点;从句法层次上看,长句突出,套语和套句多是突出特点;从语篇的连贯性和一致性方面略论了商务英语的语篇特征。最后,在文体特征略论的基础上,文章通过商务英语翻译的大量实例阐述了商务英语翻译的基本准则—忠实,准确和连贯,以及商务英语翻译的一些常用技巧,如:选词,转换,英语论文题目,拆分等。以上的翻译策略和技巧能解决商务翻译中的具体问题,从而指导正确和有效的商务翻译。


1. Introduction 1
2 An Overview of Business English 2
2.1 Fundamentals of Business English 2
2.2 The Principles of Business English 3
3 A Linguistic Study of Business English 4
3.1 Lexical Analysis 5
3.2 Syntactical Analysis 5
3.3 Textual Analysis 6
4 Translation of Business English 6
4.1 Criteria and Procedure of Translation 6
4.2 Specific Principles and Strategies for Business English Translation 8
3.3 Some Techniques for B
