
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

[摘要]本文从商务英语信函的影响及写作准则入手,通过举例着重略论了在商务英语信函中如何选用恰当的词汇、句式及表达法等策略来充分体现礼貌准则以使语气委婉,帮助双方建立良好的贸易联系。 商务信函是商务活动的重要组成部分,是为了达到特定商 务目标而采取的一种信息交流方式,旨在与对方建立和维系一 种良好的联系,在商务活动中起到非常重要的桥梁影响和证据 影响。因此,商务信函具有自己独特的语言特点和写作准则, 即:完整(completeness),具体(concreteness),清楚(clearness),简洁 (conciseness),礼貌(courtesy),准确(correctness)。其中,准确无误是 商务英语信函写作中要遵循的最重要的准则,而礼貌在商务信 函写作乃至整个商务活动中都起着极其重要的影响。礼貌可以 增进友谊,广结朋友,树立良好、诚信的企业形象,有助于老贸 易联系的加强和新贸易联系的确立。一封礼貌有加、措辞得体 的商务信函可以给企业带来生意;反之,一封礼貌欠佳、用语不 当的信函会给企业带来负面的评价,英语论文网站,毁坏企业苦心经营的形 象,使企业丧失生意。因此,在商务英语信函的写作中,写信人 必须恰当表达,以体现礼貌准则的要求。 下面就介绍几种商务英语信函的礼貌策略: 第一,通知、接受对方或为对方做事情时要表示出高兴或 荣幸 在商务英语信函中,礼貌不仅体现在简单礼貌用语的使用 上,还体现在表达做事时的心态和心情上,请看下面的例句: 1.We are pleased to receive your letter of April 26 concerning our pajamas. 2.In order to acquaint you with the ready-made clothes we han- dle,we take pleasure in sending you by air our latest catalogue for your perusal. 3.We are pleased to confirm your order of July 10 for 1,000 dozen silk skirts. 4.It is a pleasure for us to introduce ourselves to you as a com- mission agent for Chinese Commodities. 5.In reply to your inquiry of July 21,we have the pleasure of of- fering you Children’s Bicycles as follows. 在上面的句子中,pleased和pleasure的应用反映出了写作 者很愿意为对方做效劳(例句2,3,4),或做某事感到非常高兴、 荣幸(例句1,3),从而使读者感到受尊重并且很愿意合作。 第二,拒绝对方时表达要婉转,并表示出遗憾 商务谈判和协商过程是一项长期而复杂的win-win过程, 买卖双方都会尽最大的努力使自己在交易中获得最大的利润, 因此讨价还价再所难免;在实际业务中也会出现因某种原因而 暂时无法满足对方的要求的情况,请看下面的表达: 1.Much to our regret,we cannot at present entertain any fresh orders for YONGER wash-and-wear of all cotton shirts,owing to heavy commitments.(P55) 2.In reply,we regret to inform you that our clients here find your price too high and out of line with the prevailing market level. 3.As your counter bid is not up to the present market level,we are sorry that we have to give you a negative reply. 礼貌用语“Much to our regret”“regret to inform”和“we are sorry”的插入使语气委婉了不少,既委婉地拒绝对方的要求而仍 能保持友好联系,既坚定地维护自己的利益而又不会损及今后 的贸易,使工作收到良好的效果。 第三,陈述观点时使用缓和语气,避免太主观 在商务英语写作中,有时为了避免过分强调自己的观点或 激怒对方,常使用缓和语气如“we are afraid that”“we might say” “We would suggest that“”It seems to us that”以及情态动词。 1.I’m afraid we cannot deliver the goods all at one time. 2.We might say that our goods are the very best on the current market. 3.As the goods have been insured,you may refer the matter to the insurance company or their agents at your end. 4.We wish to state that our quotations are subject to alternation without notice and to our confirmation at the time of placing your or- der. 5.It would be profitable for both sides if a long-term business relationship could be established. 6.Should you be ready to reduce you price by 5%,we might come to business. 上面的表达很好地展现了情态动词的功能:使句子的表达 更加缓和、婉转,减弱了句子的语气,从而显得更加有礼貌。 第四,提出请求时的礼貌策略 合作准则是人际交往及商务交往的重要准则。在商务往 来中提出请求与帮助是司空见惯的事。如何使自己的请求显得 更有礼貌呢? 1.We would be most grateful if you could provide us with a list of reliable business firms in your area which might be interested in our products. 2.At present,we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. 3.Would you please send me a copy of your down garment cata- logue with details of your prices and payment terms? 4.Your prompt attention to this matter will be much appreciated. 为了体现礼貌,写信人也煞费苦心,使用了“We would be most grateful if you could”“would appreciate”以及“Would you please”等句式。 第五,指出对方的问题或差错时的礼貌策略 在商务信函中,经常使用主动句,从而明确地表达交易双 方的立场和观点,而且也能使句式简洁明了。但有时被动句更 合适,更有用,尤其是在表示否定意思时,常采用被动语态。这 样可以避免语气咄咄逼人,引起对方反感,英语论文范文,不利于双方在融洽 的气氛中建立贸易联系。 1.You made
