[abstract] the network is widely applied in the foreign language teaching field, in improving the quality of foreign language teaching as the obvious effect. It can not only arouses student's study enthusiasm, and can also provide a real language environment students. Combining with the characteristics of business English teaching, this paper discusses the network business English teaching to the unique function. [关键词]网络资源;商务英语;语言环境;运用型人才 一、建立网络教学平台 商务英语作为一门实践性很强的学科,教学活动是在大量的实践过程中进行的。这一过程既要有学生的积极参加,更重要的是它要体现商务语言的情境性、交际性、趣味性。如何创造一种情景交融、活泼生动的语言环境,在缺乏语言环境的条件下吸引学生积极参与,是值得研讨和探讨的。提高教学质量,增强学生的动手能力,是商务英语系教学改革的一个重要目标。如何激发学生的兴趣,给他们营造一个较真实的世界,使他们产生“身临其境”的真实感呢? Internet为我们提供了深化教学改革的一个极好机遇。为此,2017年初,我院开设了一个网络平台供给学生来操练。学生可以在网上设立自己的企业,可以和老师设在网上的企业“做生意”。网络平台的设立给学生最大的改变就是提高了学生独立处理问题的能力。过去每次学生开始实习,就会向老师提很多问题,即使是自己完全有能力解决也要问老师。而随着网上实习的进程,学生逐步习惯遇到问题先向自己要答案,只有无法解决的问题才会在每周的小组讨论会上共同解决。因为在一个模拟完全真实的外贸市场的环境中,一个学生每天也许要处理好几件生意,发上百封外语的商贸信件,学生时刻都会遇到问题,这迫使他们不得不自己寻找解决问题的答案。网络平台的建立,使学生在“做生意”中学商务,大大地提高了独立处理问题的能力。 二、借助电子商务和网络技术把听、说、读、写的教学内容融为一体 与普通英语教学一样,网络商务英语教学的目的也是为了使学生在听、说、读、写方面提高应用语言的能力。然而,从改革教学措施的角度来看,网络商务英语教学还具有一些独特的优势。我们可以借助电子商务和网络技术把听、说、读、写的教学内容融为一体,以取得最佳教学效果。以剑桥国际商务英语教材BEC2中Unit 14Sales and Negotiation为例,共分为五个步骤,具体如下:步骤一:上课前,学生阅读上网操作程序和过程步骤一的重点是培养学生的阅读能力和自学能力。这种以任务为中心的教学方能使学生真实有效地完成阅读交际过程。步骤二:上网前,将学生分成小组讨论方案Your firm produces a range of delicious, high-quality main courses and desserts that are a specialityof your region. They are sold in supermarkets and tothe catering trade. The products are ready to cook ina microwave or conventional oven.(1) Design your own new product. This will bea range of flesh, ready-to-cook specialities of yourregion or country. Think of a good brand name.(2) Give a presentation, describing your prod-ucts to the other groups.(3) Decide which of the products will be mostlikely to succeed in the British and American mar-kets. From now on this will be the product you’regoing to manufacture and market.步骤二的重点在于培养学生的听说能力和交际能力。与传统的机械句型训练相比,小组讨论更具有实践意义。学生能围绕感兴趣的话题展开讨论,从而有效地加快了学习过程。步骤三:上网后,学生直接用英语与外商进行具体交涉和谈判In this simulation, half the class will be playingthe role of SELLERS and the other half the role ofBUYERS. Both sides work for firms negotiatingwith a foreign to finalize a deal on the sale or pur-chase of a product.(1) The SELLERS send a copy of the productand its price and other specification to the BUYERSvia internet. Decide how far you are prepared tomove in your specifications and margins. Try and a-gree as a team on the margins you will be negotiatingwithin.(2) The BUYERS read the product specifica-tion. Decide how far you can move in your specifica-tions and margins. Try and agree as a team on themargins you will be negotiating ,英语毕业论文,英语论文 |