摘 要:随着因特网的发展,越来越多的人在网上使用邮件与朋友,家人聊天,甚至利用它在网上做生意. 现在 没有一种通讯方式能与之相比. 使用E - mail邮件效率高,费用低,省时间. 论述了如何正确地写好商务英语 E - mail邮件. 掌握这些技巧是商务活动成功的关键之一. 关键词:商务信函; E - mail;写作技巧 Abstract: W ith the development of Internet, more and more peop le use E - mail to chatwith their friends andfamily members, to do business on the Internet. There is no better communicational tool than using E - mail todo international business. It can save your cost and time, and it’s cheaper and faster than the traditional busi2ness letter. This paper discussed how to write it correctly. Mastering the writing skills, you can do business in an effective way. 4 refs. Key words: business letter ; E - mail; writing skills
1 Knowing the Forma t of a Busi2ness E - ma il A business letter consists of the following parts:the heading ( the address of the writer) , the insideaddress ( the name and address of the receiver) , thedate, the salutation , the body, the comp limentaryclosing and the signature. 2 the Sa luta tion Everyone knows these two words “Sir” and“gentleman”. It’s easy to abuse these two wordswhen writing business E - mail If you don’t knowthe name of the person you are going to write to, use“Dear Sirs: ”“DearMadam: ”whether married orunmarried, a woman is always as“DearMadam”.But“Gentlemen ” is not a p roper word to use inhere. And you can write “Dear Mr. Smith: ”or“Dear Mrs. Smith: ” if you know the receiver’sname. 3 the Subject If your E - mail has a clear subject, it can helpthe receiver to focus on the key point or correct con2tents before reading it. It should be clear and short.For examp le :“ Subject: enquiry about cotton fabrics”For answering somebody’s letter, you’d betterput“RE: ”or“Re: ”before this subject. For exam2p le:“20 August, 2017DearMr. Smith,“ Re: S/C No. 456 ”This is to refer to the above mentioned S/C,which stipulates for half of the quality to be shippedin Ap ril, 2017, and⋯If there is no necessary for the receiver to yourE - mail, you can use acronyms in it. For examp le:“ Subject: FYI⋯”If you have some requirements to ask the oppo2site party to take action, you’d better add the acro2nym“REQ”in it as follow:“Subject: REQ⋯”
Since there is no enough time for the receiver toopen each E - mail to read. It’ll slow down yourworking efficiency. The wrong exp ression just likesthe following one:“Subject: InformationPlease send me information about your compa2ny”In the above sentence, you only p rovided a lit2tle clue for the receiver to know the subject of this E- mail in a short time. Upon reading this kind ofsubject, the receiverwill ask further questions, andit wasted too much time. So you should give moreconcrete nouns in this part of the E - mail. For ex2amp le:“Subject: company historyAre there any web page about the history ofyour company” 4 the Body Try your best to use p lain English as possible asyour can when writing a business E - mail. Don’tuse comp licated words excep t technical terms. Youmust observe information maximizing p rincip le. Thatis to say that you should,英语论文题目,英语论文范文 |