论文ID:402595821 摘 要 本文首先就古诗对中国文化传播方面的重要性进行肯定,略论了中英语言的异同,并对中英文诗歌的特点进行了对比。然后介绍了拟探讨的诗文的作者及写作背景,并对其中的优美字词进行了简要略论。接下来列举了三个版本,英语论文网站,提出了三个版本的译者自己多年翻译工作总结的观点,英语论文范文,然后就译者的观点进行对比略论他们各自的翻译文本,着重略论他们是如何选词,如何将自己的翻译理论与翻译实际相结合。最后横向比较了三个版本的结构、风格。 关键词:古诗英译;诗歌;翻译理论 ABSTRACT This paper first affirms the importance of the Chinese classical poetry in disseminating the Chinese culture. Then this paper contrasts the characteristics of Chinese and English poetry. After introducing the poet and the background of the poem, the author analyzes the Chinese poem briefly. Then, the author lists the three translations of this poem and the three translators’ theories. Based on the two points above, the author analyzes why the translators translate in different ways. Then, the author compares the three translations in the construction and the style. In the end, a summery is indispensable. Keywords: translation of Chinese classical poems; Chinese classical poem; translation theories Contents 1.Introduction1 2. The characteristics of Chinese and English poetry2 2.1 The characteristics of Chinese poetry2 2.2 The characteristics of English poetry2 2.3 The comparison of English and Chinese poetry3 3. The original poem5 3.1 The background of the poem5 3.2 The analysis of the original poem5 4. The comparison of the three translations8 4.1 The three translations8 4.2 The principles of the translators8 4.3 The separate analysis12 4.4 The comparison of the construction15 4.5 The comparison of the style16 5. Conclusion17 Acknowledgement18 Reference19 《饮湖上初晴后雨》三英译本对比...... |