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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-24


Abstract: Critics always considered Becky In Vanity Fair as a reverse side image for a long time. However if you read this novel carefully again, in fact, you will find that Becky is a forceful woman. We can learn a lot of things from her. By analyzing on her, we can not only have a general understanding about women’s situation and status at Victoria time, but also know that petty bourgeoisie had fought hardly for a long time in order to get equal treatment. This paper aims to explore what kind of morality we should have; and how to teach people to build a harmonious condition.
Key Words: Becky; male authority; Vanity Fair; Thackeray
摘 要:名利场中的蓓基一直以来都被评论家们认为是一个反面人物。但是仔细得再读这本小说你会发现,英语论文范文,蓓基事实上事一个女强人的形象。她身上又很多值得我们学习的地方。通过对她的略论,我们可以了解到维多利亚时代女性的处境和地位,英语论文范文,也可以体会到当时小资产阶级为改变自身处境而做出的努力。本文旨在研讨我们应具有何种道德素质,指导人们如何建立和谐环境。
关键词: 蓓基;男权;名利场;萨克雷

1. Something about the Author1
2. Background2
2.1 Woman’s Statue in the 19th Century2
2.2 Reason to Revolt2
3. Significance in the 19th Century3
3.1 Male Authority Had Controlled the Society3
3.2 The Effect of Male Authority on Thackeray3
3.3 Best Image in This Novel4
3.5 Fighting of Petty Bourgeoisie7
4. Significance in Modern Society7
4.1 Becky’s Positive Side7
4.2 Becky Was Intelligent and Smart8
4.3 Factors to Be Successful10
5. Conclusion12
