Eculiarities of the meta-theory’s construction范文[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

范文:“Eculiarities of the meta-theory’s construction” 这里出现的运用理论,发展和知识的兼容性,它假定存在的现象和过程,很难进行严格实验,即具备实验室条件。同时这考虑的是对象产生的作用,试验探讨改变他们的内心状态,因此它是困难的,关于使用数据处理的统计措施,在这篇社会范文中,英语论文题目英语论文题目,我们将这样的对象称为非统计性现象。这样的一种现象是罕见和异常的。


Structure of Nonstatanalysis. The theoretical work “Fundamentals of Nonstatistical Analysis” consists of two main parts (see the Third target article on the author’s home-page). In the first part the basic approaches under the construction of the meta-theory are considered. Here the Applied theory of appearance (emergence), development and compatibility of intellectual products (or, in short, the Applied ADC Theory) is presented. Also, the question of formation of the B-space’s theoretical base is detailed. The second part is on the application of the B-space’s theoretical base. It is assumed there that the phenomena and processes exist which are hard to be put under strict experimental/laboratory conditions, or that replicate with difficulty. Also, the fact is taken into consideration that the influence produced upon the objects under experimental investigation alters their inner states, and, therefore, it is difficult (and sometimes impossible) to use statistical methods of data processing. We will refer to such kind of objects as the non-statistical phenomena. 

To such a kind of phenomena, the rare and anomalous phenomena, some psycho-physiological and socio-political phenomena (such as historic events), and objects of physical research which are characterized by anomalous or poorly replicable properties may be attributed. Those phenomena also include the phenomenon of UFO, the phenomenon of anomalous information acquisition, etc. At the present stage of development of the meta-theory there are series of anomalous phenomena, which really are cognizable using the B-space’s theoretical base. We believe that the application of the B-space’s theoretical base is not restricted by the Earth’s problems, and if the other forms of living matter exist somewhere else in Universe, but even so, there must be only one possible scheme of the creation of intellectual products (the Scheme of the process of cognition is universal), and, say, the IIS{UFO}, or the IIS{alien} must obey the same Law of IIS development as any other integrated information systems. It is important to emphasize that, when constructing Nonstatanalysis, we take as a starting point the existence of the reliable, uncontested, well-documented experimental results which do not find their explanation within the frames of any of the existing scientific theories. We will refer to such results as R-facts. To take those facts as a starting point was formulated as the Fifth criterion of approach when constructing the meta-theory.

The non-statistical analysis of the psycho-physiological phenomena gave rise to the applied theory of the biomental integrated information systems (the Applied Theory of BMIIS) which grounds on the mentioned earlier Second basic idea of Nonstatanalysis (which may be also called the idea of discreteness of the bio-mental states; see Fig. 6, Fig. 8b). Already now, using the graphic level-by-level information-systemic models of different kinds and different orders of complexity (see Fig. 12), it is possible to formalize the general principles of mind functioning (see Fig. 14 for the Theory of Consciousness) by formulating the epistemologically verified assertions concerning the problems of memory, sleep, love, intuitive thinking, perception of music, and understanding of speech (see Figures 11e, 11f, and 11g). Also, the applied sociological theory of unpopular decisions is being developed using the B-space’ theoretical base.

New Paradigm of Interdisciplinarity
The B-space’s theoretical base is being used for revision of some biological, historic, and physical ideas. The nonstatistical methodology manifests itself as a unified methodology of cognition, applicable in any scientific field. Making use of the non-statistical methodology leads to the formulation of the new paradigm of Interdisciplinary Investigations as a separate, all-sufficient discipline which has its own (non-statistical) methodology of investigation and a specific class of the objects of inquiry – the non-statistical phenomena. 

Such a paradigm differs from the presently dominating one: the Interdisciplinary Investigations as a mechanical merger of the different existing disciplines like Physics and Psychology (see Bunge, 1973). An important thing to be emphasized is that in Nonstatanalysis the kind of methodology of cognition (the Aspace’s methodology or the B-space’s methodology) stands for criterion of selection (enframing, or singling out) of a phenomenon as an object of investigation. Such an approach is substantially new. Hitherto, at first, the object of investigation was subjectively selected and only then the methodology of investigation was developed in reference to such an object. For example, the social phenomena (all social phenomena without distinction between them) were traditionally taken as the objects for Sociology, but the objects for Interdisciplinary Investigations (in the new paradigm) include only those social phenomena that cannot be investegated using the existing (statistical) methodology. 

In general, it is accepted in Nonstatanalysis that according to the two kinds of the methodology of cognition, there are two correspondent kinds of phenomena: 1) the phenomena which are cognizable using the statistical methodology under the process of cognition (or are cognizable in the A-space); 2) the phenomena which become cognizable only after applying the non-statistical methodology of the process of cognition (or are cognizable only in the B-space). The non-statistical methodology can be used for cognition (investigation) of both statistical and non-statistical phenomena of Reality (including R-facts), but, for cognition of statistical phenomena, the existing scientific methodologies can be used satisfactorily.

Relation between the model of Reality and Reality as it exists as some cognitively independent entity
The second part of the work addresses also the question of empirical verification of a meta-theory. This question is based on the Third basic idea of Nonstatanalysis, which solves the problem of correlation between the theoretical model of Reality on the one side, and Reality as it exists objectively and independently from the cognitive process on the other side. We state that the existing theories, which solve the similar problems (e.g., the physical similarity theory, the physical analogy theory, the theory of systems of isomorfism and homomorfism, etc.), are good enough preferably in the A-space. In addition, the applied theory of devices used under the IIS-experiment is being developed. The notion is introduced according to the CSS principle “Transformation of concepts at interspatial transitions” (see Table 1) from the existing notion , and has the following meaning: the experiment concerned with the considerable change of the state characteristic of IIS. One important conclusion that follows from the Third basic idea is that having made the change in the theoretical IIS-model of some real process, we, thereby, can produce a physical influence at that process.

Post-development of the meta-theory
Having got such a skeleton, Nonstatanalysis acquires the property of self-improvement, and, as result, the possibility of its post-development arises (see Part II for the Seventh criterion of approach). During its postdevelopment, Nonstatanalysis always stays simultaneously non-contradictory and expediently full meta-theory, whatever the level of development of its theoretical base is. The expedient fullness of Nonstatanalysis means that such a meta-theory, taken at any moment of its post-development, is obligatorily being formed by such three (neither more nor less in qualitative and quantitative sense) basic ideas. The non-contradiction of Nonstatanalysis means that its three basic ideas are linked in a special way (they all are epistemologically verified assertions). That is why Nonstatanalysis does not require any new meta-theory above itself. In other words, at any moment and on each level of its post-development, Nonstatanalysis always stays Nonstatanalysis. Here the supposition is being made that the Gödel theorem cannot be applied to Nonstatanalysis, or, that such a theorem is true preferably for the theories that are constructed in the A-space.

Solution to the problem of functional tautology
It must be also admitted that the meta-theory’s property of self-improvement (or, otherwise, the possibility of its post-development) allows to formulate the epistemologically verified assertions concerning the methodology of carrying out of certain kinds of experiments which would not adversely influence the developing object of investigation (e.g., the bio-object). Simply speaking, to explain some complex phenomenon or process that evolves, we have to use the meta-theory that evolves too. In such a case there will be no necessity to kill or damage the object of investigation.

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